Different excerpt, different story

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Chapter 6

"There once was a young man named Wren. He had been born an orphan in the Great Cities of the north, but from childhood possesed a warriors spirit. He had grown up among the various abandoned children and homeless of the cities, but unlike most children he began to look after the others, to feed them what food could be earned or stolen, protect them from the various abducters, murderers and rapists who also inhabit the back alleys. They even began to fight the corrupt police that would extort and steal from the dwindeling lower class. After a time, great as the  childs skill may be, he was caught by the royal guards, and brought before the Emporer himself. The guards pushed Wren into a room of magnificent spledour. The walls were adorned by murals painted in equisite detail, showing the rolling hills of the country, a map of uncanny size and likeness. There were brilliant statues carved into the building itself, and though the chamber was magnificent, it definitely showed signs of falling into neglect, as well as the Emporer himself, looking tired and weary."Tales of the your courage and prowess have made their way here even to the Emporers chamber." The Emporer said. Gazing at the silent young man in ropes kneeling before him. Pausing for a moment, "Are you so upset with this city, that you so repay your empire with thievery and havok?" Wren replied without a waver, eyes staring straight ahead, "It is not the Emporer that I quarrel with, nor the Empire, but the greed that roots itself in the subordinates between. I quarrel with the hunger in th eyes of the people, and I quarrel with any that cause innocence to suffer." The Emporer took this in for a long while, then said quietly to the guards, "Release him." Wren was cut loose and left standing face to face with the Emporer, "Walk with me," the Emporer continued, "I have spent my life uniting this country, and building this Great City. Now in these later years, even in such times of peace there is turmoil. You unfortunately feel these effects far more than anyone. Warlords on the outer limits of the Empire terrorize the villages most exposed. I have dispatched as much of our armies as i can, but theyre stretched thin, and outside my sway they become corrupt. These warlords hide in the woods and mountains, using only the most savage murderous criminals for their armies. The truth is, our country is threatened with overthrow within just a few short years." They walked in silence for a time before the Emporer continued, "I cannot fight this battle and maintain the Empire. I need the help of an honorable man. I am told you steal, fight and kill to help those who need it most. Well now I ask you to fight a different battle. I want you to go and recruit those suited for it, and I want you to hunt down these warlords where they hide. I will send with you Elijah of Ghiessi, master swordsman and swordsmith, he knows all that is needed to find these murderous outlaws. Seeking them out will not be easy, from one end of country to the next, those of you who survive, if any will not see home again for years. But those of you who do return will have something to return to. This is a request, from an Empire that needs you, and an old man who wants to see his promises fulfilled." Without a word Wren left the Kings chamber, torn by the Emporeres words, torn between sacrificing his life for a city that had nothing but contempt and animosity for him, but having that feeling deep inside that he was meant for greatness. While exiting the palace, Wren came upon a large courtyard lit by the moonlight with only a pond in the center. Standing by the edge of the pond was the daughter of the Emporer, the beautiful Princess Aurora. Though she was turned away from him, he recognized he instantly, known for her fabled beauty and kindness to the poor of the city. She would herself oversee the donations from the kitchens of the palace, meager at times, but those donations had saved lives. Wren was often in attendance, seeing that those in most need were first taken care of.  Many time he had seen her, though he would never venture close enough to converse, her escort of palace guards surely on the watch for the infamous thief. Wren walked silently behind her, lowering his head and quickening his pace. "Go you so quickly?" she said with her back to him, halting Wren in his steps. "I recognize you from the markets. They say you steal to feed the hungry, fight to protect the weak, kill to save the innocent... They call you hero..." she said. "I am nothing of the sort your majesty..." looking down with a heavy shame. "Under my watch, the innocent are still subjected to the will of the strong. Every night their despair grows, every day there is less food. " He thought of his own mother, enslaved into prostitution at the age of twelve, dying as she birthed him into life at just fourteen. "The innocent still suffer, the children starve and the sick still die in my arms." Gripping his empty fists tight. "If I am a hero your majesty, I am failing." A tear landed upon the pond, sending ripples across its smooth glass face, all the way to its edges. "Aurora," the princess said, turning to Wren, revealing that she held in her hands a wooden bow of exceptional craftsmanship. Its black carved etchings somehow catching the moonlight like a jewel. With the practicied skill of endless repitition, the princess pulled an arrow and her eyes never leaving Wren, shot an arrow straight at the stone walls of the palace. Instead of shattering like any other arrow, it penetrated deep into the stone. Wren was astonished, but said not a word. This bow is blessed from the monks of the ancient libraries of the southern cities. Its powers are as mysterious as they are unrivaled." She presented the bow to Wren. "I offer it to you, in exchange for a promise. We both know my fathers request holds no real choice for a man like you. you will go, and it is my deepest belief that you will best the evils that beset this land, and that you should return to this kingdom." Wren accepted the bow and held it at his side with delicate hands and reverance. The princess took another step towards him, smelling of sweet willow, the trees that adorned the palace. "I offer also, upon your return, my hand and heart." She slowly leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Wren's lips, softer than anything Wren had ever known. For a moment he existed only in that kiss, the world forgotten, an illusion melted, peeled away for an instant. Then back again, into the vile world, the courtyard, his own body, alone. The princess was already half the courtyard away, and he was left standing with the bow in his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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