A Test

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        I ran into the school building and shook my head, water swung from my hair and made several small wet stains on the floor. I took off my rain coat and wrapped it up, tucking it under my arm. “Hey sexy, you look a little wet there.” A guy with wide shoulders and a smug face sauntered over to me. I saw red. “Whoa now vamps, I never realized that you looked so cute when you're angry. ” I wanted to rip something open and scream. “So what d'ya say? Any chance I might get to see something else wet?” I breathed in and pulled out a water bottle I always kept in my backpack. I opened it up and poured some of it in my cupped hand, spilling some of it onto the ground in the process. I balled up my hand and punched him right in the face, his body rag-dolled and flew backwards into his friends. “Yes” I murmured, seeing Mr. San walk toward me. His eyes glared at me, trying to melt my mind until I became just another dumb and orderly student, bumbling around with perfect posture and manners.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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