The news.

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Chapter 1: The news.

I heard male shouts and a lot of loud bangs outside the door. They were getting close, soon they would find me. I gripped my semi-automatic m1911 harder and got ready. Soon the footsteps were right outside my door...... only for them to pass me ad fade in the distance. Idiots. I didn’t know whether to face palm or do a happy little jig. I crouched down and pushed a small mirror under the door, checking if there was anyone left outside. Coast seems clear. I slowly opened the door and peeked out. As soon as I confirmed that the halls were clear I hauled ass towards my next destination. Just as I was about to turn the corner, I saw a massive group of men standing outside the door. Between me and my destination.

 Awww I’m flattered, my talents are recognized.I thought with an impish grin.I turned back and took a quick look around. I smiled once I saw a small ventilation shaft about three feet above me. Good thing I could jump high, but the problem was the I had to remove the vent without making noise. I used the mirror to look around the corner again and noticed that next to the door leading away from my side.

Gotcha. I looked back up at the vent to see if it was big enough to fit a tiny remote control robot. It was just about big enough to fit that and a bit more. I quickly pulled out a remote control mechanic bug, and taped a voice recorder to it. I had pre-recorder the decoy on it on the way here. You never know when you might need it. Like now, for example. I jumped up at held onto the vent with the tip of my fingers, and let me tell you. It hurt like a biatch. The edges of the vent were cutting my fingers. I quickly put it in and silently landed back on the ground.

Once the bug was in I pulled out the screen control remote so I could see where it was going. It was all very spy kids like. Who says TV doesn't teach me anything. On the screen showed a vent and checked the corner again to see if it was the right one. Bingo! I quickly pulled a remote for the voice recorder and set it to play. Soon the hallway next to the door was filled with sound of grunts, gun shots and my screaming. There were also some loud bangs here and there.

The guards at the door split into two, one half went to investigate and the other half stayed. Damn. At least the racket in the hallway was loud enough to cover the sound of my shots. I put my used silencer on my gun and shot the bolts on the vent. I could’ve just shot it from the start, but my silencer wasn’t muffling the noise completely since I used it already coming into the building. The vent fell and I quickly caught it before it clanged on the floor. I jumped up, grab the edge and climbed into the shaft. I am a ninja! Aha! Fear me! I thought, but quickly shook my head and focused on my task.

When I found the vent to the room, I opened it and it hung form it’s hinges. The room, thankfully, was clear. Apparently all the guards were outside. This vent was on the roof so the drop was bit higher. When I landed my boots my a loud noise and I quickly ran to lock the door with a metal rope. Told you, very spy kids. Just as I locked the door, I heard the men outside slam against the door.

“She’s inside!” Thug one yelled.

“Yeah no duh!” Thug two.

“Both of you shut it and open the door!” I guess that’s thug boss. More bangs came from the door as I looked for something to barricade the door with. The chairs were welded to the floor, and the only table was also welded to the floor. Deciding that I had better get out fast I made my way to another door on the other side of the room. This one would actually lead me to the office where the minister was being held. Lord knew how they even managed to capture him in the first place.

I tried unlocking the door, but a panel in the wall slid up to reveal a keypad. With a hand print recognition lock. And eye scanner. What do these people normally keep in here , gold? Nobody needs this many lock for a damn office. Suddenly, an extremely loud bang came from the door and dust flew from the wall around the door. At the same time a teenage girl dropped from the same vent as me. I grabbed my pistol before I realized it was Beth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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