Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

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Percivale rode his horse Onyx, so named because of its black color. He traveled along a forest road so narrow he and his companions had to ride single file with Percivale in the lead. He studied the underbrush on both sides of the road. It was dense enough to easily hid a band of brigands waiting in ambush. Like most new knights, the three possessed no armor and had only a weapon and a shield.

It was the morning of their fourth day since leaving Camelot and the forest burst with new life: trees filled with buds and immature leaves, birds chirped and a mild breeze rustled the branches.

Percivale still felt a hint of exhilaration about his first adventure. Even if it was a mundane chore of escorting a princess, he and his friends would get paid and have a success to brag about. He planned to use his share of the money to start buying armor. He grinned as he recalled his dream from last night. In it, his seven older sisters watched him ride out on an adventure. For once, they had to stop teasing him about being the baby in the family. His father had been determined that his only son wouldn't be a farmer. The father purchased an old axe and hired a retired warrior to teach Percival how to fight. Percivale become so adept with weapons, he won a scholarship to the Guild.

Percivale mused about how well he and the other two worked together. Both were two years older than his seventeen and had more experience than he did. Bors understood money coming from a wealthy family. He had spent a lot of time hunting with his father and uncles. As a consequence, Bors understood forest lore and was the one who recognized the possibility of an ambush. Gareth caught food and cooked the meals. It amazed Percivale how Gareth could take an unappetizing mess and make it taste good using forest herbs and his dried spices. You'd never think Gareth was the son of the king of Orkney in the far north. Gareth claimed he had participated in a number of cattle raids, the principal way warriors entertained themselves up north.

For his part, Percivale planned to use his drawing skills to produce a map of their travels. He'd present it to the Round Table when they returned from the adventure. Maps were always welcomed and valued even if many men couldn't understand them.

Percivale heard movement in the underbrush and hoisted his shield a bit higher. His groin flipped over twice and he thought he might throw up. Percivale released the reins on the horse to grasp the handle of his battle ax, holstered near his saddle. He stopped the horse so the hoofbeats wouldn't mask more sounds. Despite the pounding of his heart and the roar of his blood, he heard Bors and Gareth draw weapons.

Even with the great danger, Percival realized he was in his first fight, unlike Bors and Gareth. Both had battle experience. Percivale's career as a hero could end in a few seconds.

Percivale nudged Onyx with his knees and the horse moved forward. He heard more rustling and suddenly three archers stood on the road with drawn bows. Percivale had an urge to piss his pants and his stomach clenched up. He forced his paralyzed limbs to work.

Percivale pulled his ax free, raised the shield to protect his head and charged. He hoped the archers shot at him and not at Onyx.

More brigands appeared on the right side of the road as Percivale raced past them. Bors and Gareth would have to deal with them.

Three arrows smashed into Percivale's shield. The impact knocked him back in the saddle, but he managed to remain on the horse. He swung the ax at the archer on his right, sliced though the bow and struck the man in his shoulder. The man screamed and collapsed. Oynx plowed into the other two other sending them flying and roaring in pain. The one on the left crashed into the underbrush. The middle one landed on the road and rolled ten feet. He lay still with his head covered with blood.

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