vampire poems

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1. Vampires                                                       

The night was day,

The day was night,

The world was dark and


The caves were dark 'er

the light shall ne'er touch,

Thy light be scorned,

Else thee be burned,

By it's purifying touch,

We are the dark ones,

Scorned by those of


We are the darkness,

That touches yonder heart,

We be Deaths' carriers,

Who watches those


We be the shadows,

Seen on full-moon's


Flying above yonder


Waiting for a mistake,

To be made by thee


We be the ghosts of history,

Haunting All-Hallow's eve,

The monsters under a child's bed,

We be the nightmares,

We be the sins,

We be the wraiths

of natural destruction,

We be the Vampires

2. why did i? 


Tasting blood dripping everywhere.

Why did I bite my love?

I have damned her.

Her soul is forever mine to hold.

Sweet blood, white fangs, tears hot as the sun on my skin.

I shall chase away her fears.

I kiss her lips as she enters sleep.

She tells me that her heart is mine to keep.

I look down upon her lovely face and I start to cry and ask her,

"How can you think that I'm a angel?"

I wait for my love to awake

However long it takes.

3. a vampire tale                                                              

Standing alone in the shadows

Restless leaves blowing gently at my feet

Under the pale moon’s light, a fair-haired beauty comes on by

Unaware my presence standing near

The tantalizing scent of her sweet perfume

Wafts softly on the summer breeze

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 06, 2012 ⏰

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