Prisoner Of World War Two

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Chapter 1: It's Just A Dream

     "Pow" my gun said. Next thing I know I'm screaming bloody murder " medic help me, I have been hit". Then I heard a faint little voice in my head saying "wake up Kenny"! Then I awoke to the heavy smell of body Oder. That's when I knew it was just a dream. Then i remberd the faint little voice that i had heard in my dream, it had sounded just like the Drill Sargent that's in charge of my platen. That's when i jumped out of bed and onto my feet and saluted him "Sir yes Sir" I said as i addressed him. "Adieus solder, you are the last one up" he told me. "For what" I asked. " You never know when you and your fellow U.S. Marines are going to be called to fight Hitler and his Nazis in this so called World War Two" he answered. That is why I joined the Military in the first place, I wanted to fight and every one know that. That's when i went with my Drill Sargent to go do the drills for the day. Once we got to were we do our drills I got in line with my two best friends in the Marines. There names were Jeff and Bob. Jeff was from Hollywood, California. Jeff was nineteen years old. Bob was from New York, New York. Bob was the youngest of the at the young age of sixteen. He lied about his age when he sined up for the Marines. But I was from Charleston, South Carolina. I had no reason to lie about my age when I joined,   because i was the oldest out of the group at the age of twenty. We were waiting in line to get our rifles so we could go to the shooting range. Once we got to the shooting range we found out that we were going to be shooting blocks of wood with Hilter's face pained on them. We were shooting for about five minutes when a man came and got Jeff, Bob, and I. The man took us to the cafetiere.

Chapter 2: Yes

     We look around for some open seats when we got there. When we finlay found some open seats we sat down and listened to the mans speech. He told us that we were going to fight the Nazis. He said " y'all are the best prepared squad that we have so will y'all go and defend America"? Then the cafetiere boomed with all the men yelling " Sir yes Sir " all at once. The man told us that we were all putting our life's on the line. But I did not care I was happy to serve my country. So then we went to our bunks to get ready. When we were all ready we got all of our guns and ammo. Then we were off to the plane.

Chapter 3: Next Stop Germany

     We were on the plane. I was sitting in between Jeff and Bob. Everyone on the plane was so happy to go fight for there country. That's when a voice came over the inter-come saying " next stop Germany". Just then everyone on the plane stood up and put on out parachutes. We were ready to jump then fight to until our last breath. Then the back hatch opened up and we all jumped out. As we were falling there were bullets weaving all around us. I landed on a beach with Nazi bunkers all over it. I looked to the left then then right of me... there was no one there which was odd because Jeff, Bob, and I had all jumped together. So I started yelling " Jeff........ Bob where are you"? But I could not even hear my self over all the guns. That's when I shot a Nazi right in the head. "Pow" my gun said. That's when i got shot in the leg. "Help I need a medic I have been hit"! Just then I realized my dream had come true. Then I blacked out.

Chapter 4: Where Am I?

     Then I awoke. I could not get up. I was chaind down in a chair. I was in a dark room. Then a bright light came on. It was pointed right at me. Then I asked "where........... where am I"? No answer so I asked again. I guess I got my answer that time because the rest of the lights came on in the room. There was a Nazi flag hanging up on the wall and there were men with the Swikia on there arms all around me. " Your a prisioner at my Nazi camp" one of the men told me. Then another man asked me what my name was. I answerd him "why"? Then the man said "I dont have to take that from you" as he hit me hard in my stumach. I could not breath there for a second but when I got my breath back I said "Kenny" quility. "What did you say" the man asked me with his German acinate. " I said my name is Kenny". Just then I blacked out again.

Chapter 5: In A Chage Like An Animal

     I awoke to find myself traped in a jell cell inside the Nazi camp. I looked around there was nothing only a bed mad of concreate with nothing on it. Other than that and me there was nothing elce in the cell. That's when i yelled " help me someone please". Just then I heard a faint little voice say " Kenny is that you its me Jeff". When I heard Jeff's voice I thought to myself " thank God". Then I answerd Jeff "ya its me wheres Bob"? " I dont know we must have got seperated when we jumped" he answerd. Then we talked about good times till we finnaly fell asleep for the night.

Chapter 6: One Peace Of Bread For The Day

     The next morning they woke me up the they  woke Jeff up and took us to go get some food for the first time that we had been locked up. "What are we having" I asked. The man that had woke up Jeff and me answerd " one peace of bread for the day". "WHAT" I said. Then the man told me to shut up and just be graitfull because if it was up to him we would starve. Once we got our brreed we had to go back to our cells. I dicited to save my breed for latter so i put it on the bed. I tryed to talk to Jeff but he had not come back to his cell yet. So I started to daydream. I had a dream that I met Hilter and when i did I had an American flag so I planted the flag right where the sun dusent shine.

Chapter 7: Ants

   When I zoned back in i looked at the peace of bread and there were ants all over it. So I said "screw it, theres no point of asking for more they might just kill me". Then I said " I rather just starve i know I am going to die on way are another". Then I heard Jeff say " why dont you just have mine"? "No because then your going to starve " I said. " Then well just split it" he said. So i had to say "ok". So Jeff broke the bread in half and slid it through the bars in his cell and into mine. I graned it and ate it. " Thank you" I told him and before he could say your welcome a man came into his cell and draged him into a place where no one could see them. I heard a loud pow like from a gun. Then it hit me Jeff was Jewish and the Nazis hate Jews. " I will never forget you jeff" I said softly.

Chapter 8: The Quistions

     Then I layed down and cryed my self to sleep. But when I woke up I was back in the chair with the light on me. The man that killed Jeff was sitting right in frount of me. " Did you kill Jeff" I asked. " I dont know did I" he asked. But I did not answer. " Answer me unless you want to end up like your friend" he told me. So I told him that I was in the 82ed pluten. "How many of yall came to attack us" he asked me "192" I told him. Then somthing hit me on the head and i  blacked out. I awoke to find myself back in my cell with a big bump on my head from where i got hit.

Chapter 9: Pyjames

    Then I looked at the bed that was a pare of pyjamas on it. "Put them on and give me you cloth". I looked and there was one of those men that had asked me those questions. So I did what he told me . When I gave him my cloth he took me out of my cell and outside. I was suprised at what they were letting us do. They were letting us play Baseball. But every thing was blurey because I hadent seen sunlight in forever. We played Baseball for what seemed for like 2 to 5 hours. Then we all had to go back to our cells, but one man did not come so a Nazi gaurd shot him at point blank range in the head.

Chapter 10: The Great Escape

     I went to sleep that night. But once I woke up I was in a U.S. hospital. I know that i wassent dreaming because when i pinchedmy self i felt it. I asked a nurse what happond and she said " you were a prisoner at a Nazi camp we saved you and the war is over". "What about Jeff and Bob" I asked. "There fine jeff got shot in the leg tho" she answerd. "Thank you" I said "Your welcome" she told me. I guess I was asleep for a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2012 ⏰

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