chapter 1 - forgotten memories, pictures and phone

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I sat on one of the chairs in the cafe, like I always do.

There was calming music, fresh coffee bean smell lingering around the room, I couldn't help but close my eyes as I let my nose get lost in the surrounding, it was so incredible. Who knew something so dark and bitter would smell so good, I guess we really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. As I looked around the room a man with dark brown hair came, as a bunch of teenage girls tailed behind him.

He was with three other blonde guys, obviously enough he stood out the most. He wore shades over his eyes, a white shirt, some black tight pants and black and white shoes. The doors of the cafe was now shut closed, the girls behind them were yelling, they were yelling something all together but their words came out coiled.

after a minute the whole front side of the cafe was crowded. It didn't just shock me but it also scared me. As if 5 girls yelling wasn't enough.

"I told you it was a bad idea, we should've just ordered pizza or something"The tall with a squared jaw said

"well too late we're already here"the brown haired guy responded

I turned my gaze away from them, as I focused on the 2nd chapter of the book I was writing for Book Fest, 1st prize gets their book on stores, an autograph from the one and only Jenny Han, and a ticket to Swamp Swans, I don't know them but I'm sure they helped hold this competition up, so thanks to them.

I love all of Jenny's works, I've been obsessed with writing since I was a child. Now I'm trying to reach her phase to be just like her a famous book writer.

The only problem with writing this story was that the only topic we can write about is love, it's quite frustrating since I never experienced anything like it. I badly wanted to bang my head on the wall right now but I also want 1st prize.

I looked around once again sighing I'm gonna get myself another cup of coffee, I took my phone from the table and made my way to the counter, I successfully told the cashier my order but on the way back to my table I bumped onto the brown haired guy earlier from the front door, to my dismay both our phones fell.

We locked eyes, he seemed familiar I thought to myself. We stayed focus on looking at each other that when we took our phones from the ground we kept trying to find them by hand.

If it wasn't awkward enough we both stood up at the same time and mirrored each others moves.

"I'm sorry"I said, stopping. The guy's sweet gaze became a glare
"look at where you're going idiot"he said bumping me on the shoulder with his.

Rude. I went back to my laptop and continued typing my thoughts away.


I wrote 2,000 words today but it totally wasn't enough, I would've wrote 6,000, but turns out this love themed story writing is now my new weakness.

I took my phone from the side table, hopefully this would calm my mind and write, but as I switched 'my' phone and put in my passcode I realized something that I should've realized earlier.

The phone that I'm holding right now isn't mine, I started panicking.

But what shocked me more than that was it opened with the same passcode I have. Meaning my phone has been opened by that rude man.

I surely would have fainted by now but I couldn't get myself to even if I wanted too.

I was petrified questioning myself, what if he already explored my damn phone? what if he opened up my gallery? what if he found my secret notes?

I'm so fucked. My gallery is fucked the story i'm making is fucked, my dreams are fucked and worst of all my life is fucked.

I want to bash my head on the wall and just bleed to death.

But I won't let this ruin my life. It's the start of my dreams that is yet to come true.

Though my ideas are on that phone and I need it desperately.
I just need a way to get it back

Suddenly almost getting a heart attack the phone was ringing. I recognized the caller ID and immediately answered it.

"thank god you picked up, look I'm sorry I was rude please give me back my phone, and don't read the notes" the caller said who has my phone.

"Don't open my gallery" I said back

"ooh kind of too late for that"

"fuck" I cursed to myself"you sure like cartoons, and don't worry I was just curious of who might be the lucky fan that took my phone"he said reassuring me

"for your information it's anime, it's different. Also stop assuming everyone's a fan of you 'coz apparently i'm not now if you can, meet me at the park at 8:00 tomorrow and bring my phone with you"I said ending the call I sigh deeply, I was paranoid still, questioning his actions.


I was finally bored so I looked over his gallery-now we're quits-I tapped the picture with him and his dog, it was adorable. I was scrolling through his images and I can't believe I really was falling in love with the pictures it was all adorable.

I looked at the time 11:11 PM, a wish wouldn't hurt.

I breathe in deeply and gave out my wish, as I said it I felt calm.

I turned all the lights out and switched off the phone.

I closed my eyes with a smile, as I never knew the reason why.

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