Video Chat (Destiel)

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It had been about a week since Castiel has last seen his boyfriend, Dean. Dean had left on a hunt, and he refused to let Castiel come.

"It's too dangerous. You'll get hurt." Was his reasoning. Castiel hated it, but didn't complain. So here he sat, alone, in the bunker, not knowing when - or if - Dean was coming home to him.

Castiel missed his boyfriend greatly. They had been together every day for the past 9 months, since Dean asked Castiel to be his boyfriend. Castiel couldn't wait to hold him again, to kiss him again, or to make love to him.

Castiel was sitting on the couch, watching some old movie called 'Grease'. He didn't understand the point of it, so he stood up, a loud sigh escaping his lips. He walked into the kitchen and busied himself by making a cup of coffee.

He waited as the coffee was made, and poured it into his favorite cup, grabbing the paper and sitting on the counter. He opened the paper and began reading.

This is all rubbish, he thought, tossing the paper aside. He gulped down his coffee, and moved to make another. He took his freshly made coffee and traveled down the hall, to the bathroom. He set his coffee on the counter, closed the door, and turned on the hot water in the shower.

He stared at himself in the mirror until the water was warm enough to step in to. Once it was, he stripped and stepped in.

A little too hot.

He turned the water down and continued his shower, stepping out less than 5 minutes later. He wrapped a towel around his waist and grabbed his coffee, heading to his room. He didn't bother drying off, so water droplets clung to his bare skin. His hair, eyelashes, chest, back, everywhere.

As soon as he reached his room, his laptop made a sound, telling him that he had a notification. He burrowed his eyeborws.

Who's trying ro contact me at this time of day?

It was extremely late, so why would anyone be contacting him. Castiel turned his side lap on, giving the room an eerie orange glow.

He opened his laptop, still in just a towel. He found it was a Skype call, from Dean. Castiel smiled, accepting the call. He sat at his desk, water still dripping from his skin.

Soon enough, Dean's face came into view, and Castiel smiled even wider - if that was possible.

"Hey baby. How's the hunt?" Castiel asked, leaning on one arm. This was the first time he talked to Dean all week.

"Hey beautiful. It's going good; I should be home soon," Dean said, a smile tugging at his lips.

"That's good. I miss you," Cas said, taking note of the backround. The was an old bed behind him, unmade, of course, He was sitting in a tall desk chair, and you could see the white door on his right side. Hotel, obviously.

"I miss you too, angel," Dean said, leaning forward slightly, so Castiel couldn't get a hint of what he wanted. "I can't wait to be in your arms again."

"And I can't wait to hold you," Cas said back. He loved it when Dean was romantic with him, but he also liked the rough side. Dean shifted uncomfortably,  letting out a small whimper. "Are you okay?" Cas questioned, concerned for Dean.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But I could use your help with something." Castiel soon caught on, noticing the way Dean was sitting and the smirk on his face.

"Oh really? And what would that be?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Dean smiled, moving his hand slowly.

"I'm horny, and I hate having to use my imagination," Dean said, hoping Castiel was getting his drift.

"So am I, babe. You want me to help?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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