Love refound

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When I woke up this morning

I thought of you and cried

Something inside me had died

It was the fact that I lost you

It's been two years now

I sit alone and play the guitar

The songs are all about you

From the day we met

To the day I lost you to the law

The thoughts of when I was yours

And you would hold me in your arms

As I fell asleep in your hold

But now I'm broken

I lost you to the law

Were to far apart in age

Our love is illegal for 4 years

I can't see nor talk to you till then

It's hard and painful without you

It's been 6 weeks since you left

And I haven't stopped crying

I haven't slept at all

I can't eat cause I'm never hungry

My heart is broken

If I could stop I would

But I can't

The last thing we said to eachother

Was the one thing that gives me hope

We said that we'll wait

That we won't look at anyone

Like the way we look at eachother

We both cried during the trial

We cried more than we ever have

I yelled at everyone even the judge

In hate and disgust to all of them

You told me to calm down

And I accedently yelled at you...

I ran out of the building right after

I noticed the look on your face

It took 2 days for the trial to end

I ran as far as I could

Then they found me

And took me back

Kicking and screaming like a child I was

But all I wanted

Was to be in your arms just once more

I got out of the gaurds hold

The second I saw you

I yelled out your name

And quickly you turned around

And you started to run towards me

Being there with you

Nothing seemed to matter

But everything mattered that day

It was our last embrace for 4 years

Without any contact to eachother

We weren't going to let end quickly

We stood there hugging and crying

For what seemed like hours

Was only a couple of minutes

It's been 7 months and 6 weeks

My mom dropped me off at the mall

I was there for about an hour

And I bumped into someone

Knocking some of the stores things

I looked up to see who was helping me

...It was you

You didn't reconize me at all

My hair was much longer

It was dyed black with blue streaks

I wore completely different clothes

All black with only accents of color

You looked at me

Just like you would any other person

But I knew it was you

So I immeditaly shot up off the ground

Hugged you

And then accedently knocked you down

Confused you were

Till I started crying and said this...

"Its been 7 months and 6 weeks."

The second I said that

You looked at me and told me I changed

I just told you it was a long story

And you just looked at me

And I looked at you and said

"I love you."

You responded with this

"I still love you more baby doll."

We got up

And spent the whole day together

Till I had to leave

When I was walking out the door

I noticed you were right

I had changed

But you didn't

I also noticed that I started to cry

And I turned around and you were to

My mom asked me why I was crying

And I said that I just fell

But she knew that wasn't true

So I told her I ran into you

She already knew

Cause she was the one to plan it

She told me she noticed that I changed

I just said "I know"

When we got home I ran to my room

Happy I was

To know you still loved me

Even tho I changed completly

I laid down and cried

I cried myself to sleep that night

But those tears weren't sad tears

They were happy tears

Cause I know now

That the time we still had to wait on

Was going to be fine

And that I never really lost you

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2010 ⏰

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