Remember When

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Ok so you know how you do those things on facebook where you can like statuses with Remember Whens and all stuff like that???? Well I had this friend as you can see if you read the poem, and I couldn't write this on her wall because of the person she has turned into . And Im not a really outgoing person, im random but im not fearless (ahaha I love Taylor Swift)

And all this stuff actually happened by the way. Yeah. 

Remember when we were friends?

The countless days spent sharing secrets?

The days at the beach, collecting shells,

The long trips home, laughing silently,

Laughing loud, Laughing our heads off.

Remember when we were almost Sisters?

The fights that never really counted?

The sharing clothes and cozzies?

When our swimming coach told us-

We were, double trouble?

Remember when we were Besties?

Giving up Halloween for a sleepover,

The restauraunts, the days out, the movies?

Remember the status on Facebook?

That you liked?

Here is your 'Remember When',

I won't write this on your wall,

I would be too scared,

And so instead:

Remember when we were friends?

Not just next door nieghbours?

Remember when we were kids?

Always there for each other?

Do you remember that?

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