The Hope I am waiting for

54 4 0

I always liked to watch slowly slipping raindrops from the window.

Every raindrop seems same,

Almost perfect

But if you look at it closely you can notice a weakness to.

The weakness of a raindrop is that no matter how beautiful it is,

It will fall and hit the ground.

That day the rain was giving really nice sounds and there were only a few people left inside bus.

I saw a car passing by near the bus I was inside.

The bus and this car stopped at traffic lights. On back seats sat a pretty guy.

He wrote something on the phone and showed me.

He had to caught me on staring.

* I see you *

I giggle and grab my phone to write him an answer, but I was too slow and traffic lights turned green so bus moved.

.... That day rain keep on pouring.

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