Good Work Team

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It was currently 3 in the morning, all Paladins in their amor. The blue Paladin strolled through the halls his beady prideful blue eyes now looking dull. Gray. Lifeless. He was walking to a meeting that surprisingly isn't going to be late to.

The rest of the Paladins minus Keith. We're walking to the lounge where the meeting was held. Pidge was on Matt's back asleep. Allura and Shiro were the ones who decided to have the meeting at 3AM in the damn morning in Earth time.

Lance arrived first. Sighing, he was lucky he was wearing his amor and his body suit underneath.

"Like Shiro and I were saying...this is not-Lance! Your on time!" Allura was shocked.
'Wow thanks...I'm surprised you actually noticed me for once' stupid thoughts. "Ha ha...very funny Princess"
"Not a laughing matter Lance!" Allura smiled and chuckled.
'You see that? It's fake, she's lying. She hates you they all do.' Lance laughed trying to not show he was forcing it.

"With Keith gone...I guess I'll have to pilot ole' black again" Shiro was beyond happy to be with his girl again. But at the same time he wanted his brother back from the blade of marmora.
"Where's keith? I thought he was coming?"
"Lance he's part of the blade of marmora...I miss him too but we need to move on without him for now"~Shrio
'They only care about him...not you..worthless piece of SH-' On que Shiro interrupted Lances thoughts.
"Lance please focus we need to know these coordinates...we need focus."
Everyone turned their heads to the groaning little pidge.
"Sis shut's a meeting"
"Then goodnight asswipes..." Pidge is not a morning person...

"Anyways I would like for us to go north...cause it literally...says..." Shiro had fallen asleep. Face on the table. Floof not a floof anymore. They moved their meeting to the kitchen. Everyone had fallen asleep, well not Lance.

⚠️Warning: self-harm⚠️

Get the damn knife idiot!' Lance flinched. He made it way to the knives and grabbed the sharpest one there was. Knives reminded him of Keith. He really missed him.
Tears pooled out of his eyes.(they all changed into pj's before going to the kitchen btw) he slid the knife across his wrist repeatedly until he felt light. Lance quickly bandaged up his wrists and threw the knife back in the drawer.
'Nice job dumbass'
These thoughts were getting worse and worse each day.

It's over now! Short huh?

After Keith left they wouldn't leave him alone. Eating would go to starving himself. Sleeping would go to staying up all night. Laughing during the day would go to crying at night.

He couldn't take Keith being gone. Even though he was gone for 2 years with Krolia and is taller than him now lance missed him more than the 2 years he spent finding him.

Shiro was the first to wake. Hearing sobs made him jump and turn to who it was.

"Lance?!" Shiro looked at the Paladin."I don't belong here*hic*Im not part of this t-team" Shiro looked at his arms. They were bandages on both.
Oh no...
Shiro picked lance up and walked to his room.

Lance held onto him the best his arms would let him. Digging his face into his neck he muffled,"I-I'm so-s-sorry d-dad...I f-failed once a-again this t-time w-worse" Shiro and Lance was close enough for lance to be calling him 'dad'.
"Shhhh bud I's gonna be okay...I'm here and you didn't fail us" this only caused lance to sob harder into his black T-shirt. Damnit Shiro
After a few minutes of hiccups and runny noses, he finally calmed down and fell asleep in his hold. Shiro wished Keith would just come back. This has happened more then it did when he was gone for two damn years.

If only Keith could hear lance call out to him...

(Hey! I wrote the Angsty langst! Haha...yeah I should be in bed but oh well! Love you guys!❤️)

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