Pocky (Virus x Cry)

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hello this is a one shot pocky game and this is how you play.Put one end in your mouth, and the other person puts the other end in their mouth.Bite the Pocky until it gets smaller and smaller. If both continue, the two participants' lips will touch. Whoever breaks the kiss, losses the game.So just in case you didnt know thats how to play now on with the oneshot!


I am really bored Cry is out doing god knows what and I am here all alone.Well I could always get some revenge I smiled and went to grab his most prized possession....his laptop.I hid it under the couch and watched some more tv waiting for Cry to come and freak out that his preicious is gone and I am the only one who knows where it is.Like hell I'll tell him where I hid it until he goes somthing for me.But what?


I was out getting some food for me and Virus to eat and they were handing out Pocky's for some reason.I grabbed two boxes and finished getting the stuff.I walked home and saw Virus watching tv following me to the kitchen sitting on one of the stools that are there.I putted everything away and gave Virus his box of Pocky's.''Thanks Cry but why did you get them?'' I turned to see his neon blue eyes staring at me.''They were giving them out for free so I grabbed some.'' He nodded smiling with a idea in his eye's.I ignored it and walked into my room.''Virus where is my laptop?!'' I groaned In anoyance I was gonna recored but no Virus stole my laptop.


When Cry gave me the Pocky's I got a idea.For his laptop he is going to have to play with me.''Cry you want your laptop your gonna have to play with me'' I smirked as he ran up to me.''What do I have to do Virus?'' He looked annoyed making me smiled even more.''You gotta play pocky with me!'' I screamed and opened the box.


''You gotta play Pocky with me!'' Virus screamed opening the box.My eye's widen he was making me play this? Virus made notice that I wasnt speaking and spoke.''If you want your laptop you have to play unless your chicken and is afraid to kiss me.'' He smirked and started making chicken noices making me upset.He thinks I cant do it well he has another thing coming.''Fine,I'll play with you Virus.''Well then lets get started.'' I got closer to Virus looing him in the eye.He put one end in his mouth while I got the other side in my mouth.Virus chuckled and we started nibbling on the pocky making the space between us grow shorter and shorter.When we were at least a inch away I was blushing like crazy while Virus was just smiling.I closed my eye's and moved closer i'm going to get my laptop,prove Virus wrong and kiss him.Wait why was I happy about that.At that moment Virus lips touched mine and we started kissing.Our lips felt right against each other and I soon forgot that we were playing a game.I opened my eye's to see Virus's eye's closed smiling against my lips.I closed my eye's again and then felt no warmth on my lips.I opened my eyes and saw Virus smiling blushing a bit.''Good job Cry you win your laptop!'' He pulled out my laptop and gave it to me.I smiled in victory and walked up to Virus and pecked his lips.Before Virus knew what was happening I broke the kiss and ran to my room.I cant believe I just did that! Maybe I do have a bit of love for Virus after all I can still feel his lips against mine and my heart is still beating really quick.I'm in love with Virus.


I cant believe Cry kissed me twice! I kinda had a thing for him and this made it grow.I'm in love with Cry.


hello so this is a pocky game against the two so yay! maybe will write a mad x cry one later!

~insanity out

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