|| Chapter - 3 ||

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Suga's eyes were closed as he felt the heated wind off the hairdryer blowing through his hair. After what felt like hours, the loud noise coming from the machine went silent. He slowly opened his eyes to see his reflection, seeing that the top of his head was a completely different colour.

"This came out better then I expected." He says as the stylist sprays his hair in place. The one thing he noticed was that his hair was no longer in his eyes and he can actually see better for once.

"Wow Suga I never knew you had eyes!" Jin appears into the mirror with freshly dyed blonde locks.

"You look like a rejected Kpop idol." Suga says in a monotone voice before getting up from his seat and heading the the front door.

"Aw, thanks for saying I have the ability to be one in the first few place!" Jin cheerfully says giving a fake smile, following the younger out the shop.

I didn't finish this lmao but bro goodluck this all the material I'm giving you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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