Run Like The Wind

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Amy ran farther and farther across the vine covered landscape. Her feet were beginning to blend in to the hard floor as she ran.

A voice gripped her mind and her heart pounded, blood surging through her body. The voice was a familiar one, unpleasantly so. The sounds inside her head deafened her to the point of madness.

"Find his own. Find it! Find it!" The voice screeched in her ears.

Amy clawed at her face trying to keep the loose strands of hair ,dangling off her forehead, from getting caught in her dry mouth and eyes.

The sun lay on the horizon like a child who was falling asleep in their mothers arms. The clouds lay softly around the giant star with a peach tinge. Amy kept running, even when the sky closed its blue eyes to rest.

It was so strange, Amy thought, that the things that always surprised her with their beauty would expire. They wouldn't be beautiful forever. Just like her. How many years was it since she had been beautiful? Such a long time. Such a long long time. This thought troubled her often. Though she didn't think if herself as vain, she did like to imagine that she was beautiful to someone. Obviously her father didn't think so. The thought only pushed her forward and water ran from her eyes and moistened her cheeks until the wind dried and transformed them into salty tracks.

Amy caught a quick glance backward at the endless platform she ran on for days. Weeks. Months. Years.

Amy's joints felt heavy like they had been doused with honey, her mind was automatically forcing her legs to run forward.

Regrets overflowed her mind, from her life before being forced into everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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