Chapter 1: Reworking The Scripts

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I had just finished playing the new Doki Doki mod, "Exit Music." Everything started off fine, with the story being pointed towards the happy ending I've been waiting for. Until the end drew near, completely flipping this tales mood on its head. As I watched my character jump into the abyss of water beneath the bridge, followed by Monika's terrified screams, I close the lid to my laptop and slowly push my chair away from my desk. My elbows are planted on the chair's armrests, my fingers are laced together to support my chin as I contemplate what had just happened. I can slowly feel tears drip from my cheeks.

"First the normal game deceives me, and now the modded version does the same..." I thought to myself as the tear continued to flow. I've been trying to find a mod to fix the depressing ending of the vanilla game, but this only made things worse. I sigh and wipe my eyes.

"What time is it?" I glance over to the clock hanging above my bed. "1:27am...Whatever, I'll keep searching in the morning." I stand up from my chair and throw myself onto my bed, nuzzling into my sheets. I slowly began to fall asleep, but that image of Natsuki hanging in her darkened room kept filling my head. I eyes kept shooting open every time I thought of it, keeping me up from hours. 

"I can't take it anymore!" I roll out of my bed and get back into my chair, flipping the lid of my laptop open. The screen is still displaying the image of the water. I close the game out entirely and think.

"How can I fix this? I don't even know how to program this kind of thing...But I am a genius...Maybe I could figure it out." I open up the game again and begin to dig through its script and files. "So if I drag this here...and move this one next to here...and add my own touch here...That should change the way the title looks." I changed tabs to find that I had rearranged the title screen exactly how I wanted to, with the girls being in the center with the title above their heads. The boxes for "New Game" and "Settings" were in the bottom left and right corners. 

"Alright! I did it!" I thought to myself as a smile grew on my face. "Now it's time to see what I need to change to get my happy ending." I continue to search and type through the game's script, trying to find some point in which I can keep Natsuki from killing herself. 

"Weird..." I thought to myself. As I continued my search, I found that some new dialogue was added into the game. "I've never seen Yuri say that before...I probably just missed it the first time around." I kept working, trying to find some way to keep the both my character and Natsuki alive. The night began to turn to day as I saw the faint glint of orange pierce through my closed blinds. 

"Damn...I was up all night. Well, I'm already this far in, why stop now?" I keep typing and changing things within the game. 

"...Okay. Now I know that definitely isn't right." Somehow, the game has paired up Sayori and my character, completely pushing Natsuki into the background. "How is that even possible? I didn't do anything that would mess with that...I just changed when Sayori's depression would settle dow---Wait...Are they reacting to each other?" I begin to enter different codes and lines into the script. Not changing their dialogue, but changing their actions and events.

"Bingo." The girls seem to react to what the others are doing, along with the timing of the events occurring. "Wait...This is going to be impossible! There have to be thousands maybe even millions of different combinations. How the hell am I going to find the one I want?" As I continued questioning myself, a voice beckons me.

"Little Bro! Breakfast!" My sister yells from downstairs.

"Coming!" I respond. I leave everything running on my laptop and hop out of my chair. I push my bedroom door open and quickly walk down the stairs to find the entrancing smell of pancakes pulling me in.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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