Chapter One; Talking and Help

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Lucus currently found himself talking to Jamie, his longtime best friend and now his coworker, they had many adventures together, laughs, and tears, for a while there Lucus hadn't been in contact with Jamie, but eventually, he moved back to hopefully get a good job where Lucus worked, and it didn't take long for them to get close again, in fact, the first few days they found themselves spending a little more time at the water cooler or the coffee pot while they caught up, and today was no different. Lucus and Jamie stood by the water cooler each respectively holding their own cups of water.

Jamie, in the years he knew him, had never been one for small talk, he would rather talk about big problems, ideas, or anything more interesting than 'what did you do this weekend?' and that's what Lucus loved about Jamie, he was so forward about his opinions and didn't hold back, he made a great asset to the team and an even better friend to Lucus.

"So I was thinking right..." Jamie started up, it always surprised Lucus how much Jamies Irish accent stuck with him through the years in America "These flat earthers... if they are right, and heaven knows if they are, what does that prove? like great bud, the earth flat, congratulations, I believe you and now I will go about my normal day" Jamie raised his cup to his lips like he was gonna take a drink but it stayed there for a bit while he thought "I don't know... pointless the whole thing to me is!" he added finally taking a drink.

Lucus chuckled softly "They want to know there right that's all James," he said softly looking down at his almost empty cup "Honestly, if the earth is flat you are right, it doesn't change much for normal people like you and me, but Science and all them people have a lot of research to do, especially to go back on saying the earth is round" he finished his water.

"Hey Lucus, you ask David out on a date yet?" Jamie asked switching the subject quickly like he usually did, though Lucus knew at some point they would get back to the flat earth discussion.

"I'm just a little to awkward man..." Lucus said glancing over at David.

David joined the company about a year ago, and about a year ago during that time, Lucus finally let himself come to the full conclusion his was gay and was just slowly start to accept it. Jamie was fully supportive and tried to the best wingman he could like he had in the past with girls.

"Well common Lu, you ain't gonna get nowhere if you just watch him from a distance just ask him out," Jamie said nudging him toward the handsome males cubical.

"What Jamie! No, not now!" he groaned, but one hard shove from Jamie sent him straight to the males cubical, startling David a bit to look up at Lucus.

"Hey... David..." Lucus waved shyly.

Lucus didn't know how to quite describe David, that had talked before but not much, mainly by the coffee pot, small talk, every day at a noon, Lucus always looked forward to those small talks. and through them, he learned that David's first passion was writing songs, and performing them at those small indie coffee shops -- thought he had yet to invite Lucus to see one -- he also quite liked coffee a lot, and that had prompted Lucus small obsession with learning everything about coffee beans and brewing his own coffee as he could. Also from what he could tell David was a warm, caring, and down to earth type of guy, the type of guys who you would see more or less at the bookstore rather than a club, and Lucus loved that about him.

"Hey Lucus," David gave him a smile as he turned his chair fully toward him "What can I do you for?" he asked.

"Oh, I..." Lucus looked back at Jamie to see him talking to Linda from accounting, but he seemed to be paying enough attention to Lucus to give him a thumbs up for encouragement "Well I was wondering if maybe... uh possibly... sometimes" Lucus paused rubbing the back of his neck "Well just... there's this really great coffee place I know out of town and maybe sometime you would like to go with me and have coffee?" he got it out speaking a little fast.

David stared at him for a while, it took a while for his brain to catch everything that Lucus has said, but when he did he smiled a little "Oh... I'd love too, how about this Friday?" he asked.

"Friday? Yeah, Friday's good!" he smiled nodding quickly.

"Great! Friday it is, see you then, oh and at the coffee pot" David game him, what Lucus assumed, was a playful wink before turning back to continue working.

Lucus walked over to Jamie who was looking at him expectantly, waiting for his friend to tell him how it went.

"He... he said he would go to coffee with me on Friday!" Lucus smiled.

"Progress! See Lu, not so bad" he patted Lucus' shoulder.

The shrill sound of his ringtone entering his earbuds hit Lucus like a train throwing him out or his blissful peace. He ripped his earphones out of his ear violently and felt himself shake a bit, how long had it been this time? how many calls had gone missed because of it? He looked down at his phone and to see Mother calling on the screen, he unplugged the headphones and phones and answered it, placing the device to his ear.

"Yes, hello mother," Lucus said sounding a bit tired.

"Oh did I wake you, dear? I didn't mean to on your day off" his mom's voice said sounding apologetic already.

"Hmm? no... no... just a bit groggy that's all" Lucus said looking down and grabbing the small fidget cube he had dropped heaven knows how long ago and played with it while he talked to his mom.

"Okay, well I'm just checking up on you, have you eaten today?" she asked.

Lucus looked at the clock, fuck, it was noon already, and he hadn't even had breakfast yet, he had put toast in and sat down with his earphones to listen to some music before starting his day. 

"Yes," he lied catching sight of the probably stale toast popped up in the toaster he got up off the floor and dragged his feet as he walked to the kitchen. He took the two peices of stale toast and threw them away.

"Good, I hope not too much junk food lu, I know you love filling up on that crap," she said, he heard shifting from the other side, she was probably cleaning up the house while talking to him.

"No, I had uh..." Lucus looked in his fridge to see what he could make "I hade a ham sandwich with some tomato and mayo" he said grabbing everything he listed off while holding the phone between his ear and shoulder.

"Great, hey did you make an appointment with the therapist I told you about?" his mom asked, oh right that what she wanted him to do, he figured it wouldn't be the worst idea but he still didn't like it.

"Yeah uh..." Lucus put the phone back in his hand sighing "I'll do that once I hang up with you" he said.

"Okay... I just think it would do you some good hun..." his mom said softly, he could hear the worry in her voice, he hated that.

"Yeah... I know, I should go, I love you mom" Lucus said.

"Love you too son... bye," she said softly.

Lucus hung up and put his phone down, before proceeding to make his sandwich and go to his desk. He sat down and opened up his laptop looking through the Tumblr feed he left it on, gifs and anime aesthetic all over the place, along with the occasional nude picture. He shifted from side to side as he scrolled down trying to keep his mind focused so it wouldn't wander while he ate. Once Lucus finished eating he put his dish on the ground, his cat automatically running to lick from it, he kept scrolling for a while, putting off calling and having to go talk to someone about his problems... Lucus didn't think he had any problems, okay that was lie he had a few million problems, and lots of them were staring him in the face. He looked down at his cellphone and grabbed it taping on the number his mom sent him and letting his phone call.

Lucus felt butterflys fill his stomach as the phone rang he almost hang up, he could feel his hand start to move away from his head to end the call, however before he could, the phone was answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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