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Just so you know, I don't have a very high opinion of private schools. Of the school system in general, but especially private schools. I went to private school (several, really) for most of my time in grade school, and I was bullied mercilessly. I and my parents voiced concern to the school administrators and we were dismissed more often than not. When we were actually listened to, nothing was ultimately done. I spent the entire first semester of 5th grade begging my parents to send me to the local public school, and they finally did after Winter Break. Public school didn't make everything magically better, but it was a lot less intense, the bullying was a "watered down" version of what I'd been dealing with for years before, and I was actually able to make friends.

I say all of this because a good quarter of this story will take place in a New England elite (read: $$$$$) private school. The private schools I went to were nowhere near on that scale, but my opinion still stands and bleeds through the writing. I'm sure that many people who go to private school never face the soul-crushing emotional and verbal beat downs that I did, so I feel you should be aware of my bias while reading this. 

This story also deals with anxiety and depression. By that, I mean that the main character suffers from social anxiety and depressive tendencies. I've been told that, for some people, reading things dealing with these issues could do some form of harm. So, fair warning. I, myself, suffer from both of these, and just like my experiences are going to be different from anyone else who suffers from the same, so too is the character's experiences and responses going to differ. The story won't go so far as suicide or anything like that, just the state of depression, lack of motivation, and general exhaustion that comes with it.

If you suffer from depression and anxiety, I'm with you. And if you have thoughts of suicide or plans to commit suicide, please know that you're not alone and there are so many resources at your fingertips to, at the very least, ease the pressure. Sometimes, all it takes is just to tell someone. Anyone. And if you don't have anyone in your life to tell, there are still many options out there, sources of help, support, and connection that can make all the difference. I'm lucky enough to have people in my life who love and support me, no matter how bad things get in my head. Please know, as hopeless as it may seem, as many times as you think you may drown in the loneliness, you are not alone. It does get better. I promise.


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