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Before i give yall some damn knowledge UNDERSTAND THAT RELATIONSHIPS MEAN STAYING LOYAL.

With that in mind please get this- why exactly are you allowing poly relationships. What is this generation no what is your generation-...  Because it feels like the people with prior commonsense came and gone and got replaced with yall idiots....why the hell...would you date 2 people at once and excpect the other boy who doesn't know to be like "oh man im a cuck who wears converse everyday and gets ab honor roll sure ilk let ya just cheat on me with my concent." Because thats what poly relationships are. Just a excuse to cheat without having the guilt. Now if u people are okay with that and ita going all happy and jolly good for you, but think of it like this-

How are you going to out one heart into two seperate things without it getting split apart.

Argument status - done.

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