Chapter Five

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-Author's Note-

All characters belong to JK Rowling. Remember to comment and vote. Enjoy :') If I were you I would check the picture on the side out, as it gave me a few minutes of laughter. 

-End of Author's Note-

Hermione and Draco soon went back to Hogwarts after their picnic. As they walked back through the secret passage, Draco took Hermione's hand, and they clashed their hands together tightly. After they entered the common room, both sat on the sofa. 

"I can't tell the others Draco."

"I know."

They both sat there in a comfortable silence, with each other. Hermione glanced at the clock and saw the time. She was slightly astonished that they had been gone as long as they had. According to the clock it was four o'clock. 

McGonagall was furiously walking into the Head's common room. Malfoy and Granger hadn't turned up to any of their lessons. There must have be a reasonable explanation. Storming into the common room angrily, she saw the pair sitting there. 

"Granger, Malfoy why haven't you attended any of your classes today?" McGonagall uttered her voice stern and angry.

"Hermione wasn't feeling very well and I didn't want to leave her along while she was unwell Professor." Draco replied confidently.

"Granger are you well now?"

"Yes Professor. I am feeling much better now. Thank you."

McGonagall nodded, and replied "Here is what you two have missed from your classes. I expect you to catch up."

Simultaneously Draco and Hermione replied "Of course Professor."

Walking out of the common room, McGonagall smiled at their feeble lie they had told. Clearly they had spent the day together rather than going to their lessons, and maybe Hermione had been ill at the beginning of the day but she looked fine then. 

Shortly after McGonagall had left Ginny entered the common room for the first time. "Wow this place is beautiful Hermione." Draco got up and nodded his head and said as he walked out "I have Quidditch practice. See you two later."

Ginny sat with Hermione and started to wiggle her eyebrows at her. "So are you going to explain why you weren't in class today?"

"I didn't feel very well. That is all Ginny. Nothing to worry about." Hermione replied.

Ginny looked at Hermione with a look of disbelief on your face. "I don't believe you Hermione." Ginny kept watching Hermione with sharp eyes, glaring trying to force it out of her with only her glare.

"Fine. We went on a picnic."

"Ooh. So what was it like Hermione? Was it a date?"

Hermione began to explain the various details of the outing until she got to the end and paused taking a very deep breathe before she continued. "We kissed."

Ginny looked at her totally unsure of what was being explained. Then she started squealing.

"This is amazing. I am so happy for you. I cannot believe this." Ginny screeched.

"You cannot tell anyone though. I don't know how Harry and Ron will react. We have to keep it a secret for now. Please Ginny don't tell anyone."

"Of course. I cannot believe you are dating Draco Malfoy. It is a so romantic, you and Draco being Head Boy and Head Girl you get on so well as well. This is so cute Hermione."

Hermione fell back against the sofa in relief. Ginny kept rambling on about anything and everything. Hermione wasn't listening but when she started she heard Ginny talking about weddings and how she would be the maid of honor. Hermione grabbed her books and began catching up on her work while Ginny sat there talking for what seemed like hours. 

Shortly Ginny left a while after Hermione had started her work, and went to try and find Harry. Walking into the Gryffindor common room, Ginny still didn't find Harry, then she decided to try the Quidditch stadium as Draco had mentioned Quidditch. 

As she started to walk outside, she saw the Gryffindor and Slytherin holding their Quidditch practice. She noticed that Harry and Draco weren't arguing about sharing, they were just agreeing to practice against each other like a friendly.

She saw them all mount their brooms and started flying around the stadium. First they did a few warm ups, then they started to play, she noticed that there were a few other students with them including Ron who looked very angry throughout. 

Suddenly an argument started happening between Ron, and Draco. Harry was standing between the two of them, trying to keep them away from each other. 

"She broke up with you. You cheated on her!" Draco asked her. 

"You don't know her. How dare you?" Ron screamed at her and ran towards Draco. 

Ginny ran over towards Ron and put her heads around him, trying to pull him back. Harry pulled back Draco, and told him to go to his common room. Draco walked away a glare plastered on his face. Ron tried to run after Draco but Harry and Ginny held him back. 

"Bloody bastard. Go to hell!" Ron shouted at Draco. Ignoring him Draco continued to walk back to Hogwarts. His fists balled by his sides. 

-Author's Note-

Unfortunately I will not be able to upload another Chapter next Friday as I am away, so the next chapter will be uploaded in two weeks where I will upload two chapters instead of one to make up for it.

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