The Truth Revealed

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  • Dedicated to Emma Wilson

Dearest Harry James Potter,

I know you but you don't know me so I thought, the only way to deal with this is to tell someone.

I obviously can't walk up to you in the street because you'd arrest me and through me into Azkaban on the spot.

My parents are there so it would be like a family reunion.

But please don't send me there.

I've done something horrible, Harry, something utterly appalling.

I don't know how and I really don't know why but I did it Harry.

I killed Fred Weasley.

There's no nice way to end this letter is there?

I shan't tell you my name so, I'll be 'E' for the meantime.

E for my first name.

E for extremely idiotic.

E for ......... Well, you get the point.

Goodbye Harry Potter,

Yours Sincerely,


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