My story...

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So ummm...Hey? My name is Aria and I...uhhh, I have anxiety so when I'm speaking with someone I'm freaking out or shaking on the inside, so is my story:
I was only 13 years old and one day after school,my mother took me to the therapist, because she saw with her own eyes that each day at a blink of eye, i got more and more shy to talk to people, so she wanted to know...

Anyways back to the story...

So,20 minutes later after driving, we got heart was beating so fast i felt was going to fly out my chest!! I'm not even joking with you!! Okay so, I had to calm myself so i said in my head:
"Aria calm down, or you are gonna end up KILLING yourself with all these panic attacks!"
So i took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but of course i wasn't 100% calm I was about 45% calm, ok back to main bit of the story, I now got called in and had to inform myself that:
And had to say everything i felt!

So i sat down
My skinny arms were shaking like Ramen Noodles
And everything stopped, I couldn't hear anything then took a deep breath and the therapist started to ask me questions, and here is our conversation:
"Hello there! What's your name?"said the therapist.
"I-im A-aria"I replied with a shake in my voice.
"Nice to meet you Aria! I'm Maria!"
"So...Aria...What seems to be the problem?"said Maria.
"Well my mum,she told me that she sees me get more and more quiet around people by the day! A-and I-i" they were my final words,before out of no where tons of tears run faster then Usain Bolt down my cheeks.
"Awww sweetie! Don't cry!"Maria said in the most calming voice, magically making me calm down...
"Woah! How did you calm me down so easily?! It usually takes m HOURS for me to calm down!'' I said curious.
"Well, I have a special calming voice! It calms people down easily! It's like my power!" Maria said, making me gasp in amusement.
"But..Aria..I know what's wrong with you!" Maria said in sadness.
"What's wrong Miss Maria?" I said in the most curious voice ever.

*door opens*
*Aria looks at the door*
* Door closes*

"M-mum?" I was more confused then ever.

*Arias mum sits next to her*

"Im sorry to inform you of this miss, but.. Aria has anxiety"

My P.O.V

ANXIETY?!? You must be kidding me!!

Back to present

"Im sorry but i recommend for you to take Aria, out if public school, its for the best!!" Maria said tromenoacly upset.
"No..please no!" I said feeling so upset, at that moment i started questioning my existence i mean:
•No friends
•Diagnosed with Anxiety
•Might start getting bullied

What did i have to live for?!

So some good 5 moths went past and it has been the same every night with me getting hate messages from MY best friends anyway... I cried and cried every single night and my anxiety getting worser and worser,but I got some hate messages on the lines of:
"UGH!! Why did you get into homeschooling?! ONLY special people get homeschooled and YOU aren't special!!"

So my mum had enough and she'd put a message out on every social media on the lines of:
"Hello everyone! Im Miss Moon, Arias mum! And I'm writing to tell you that you need to stop sending her hate messages in why she got out of public school and got into homeschooling, well she IS special because she got diagnosed with severe Anxiety, and she would have been bullied, if she'd stayed in public school, is insanely upsetting for me as her mother to ask for stop in the hate comments, when you guys and girls are suppose to be HER beat friends and support her!! Well i hope you read this and think about what you have done to this poor girl!"

Some good quality of time went past and i started getting nice messages but on the other hand..Lola my BEST FRIEND still sent me hate messages, so that was the time when i put my foot down and blocked and deleted her on everything!!

*5 years go past like the speed of light*

So today which meant I was 18!! And i was a capable adult! So after i get ready for my perfect day i rush downstairs and had a chat with me mum then she'd said:
"Aria my phone is in the living-room, could you please bring it to me?"
"S-sure!" I spoke shaky again.

The i went to the living-room..
And saw all my friends as they jumped up and shouted:
I jumped up too! I couldn't believe what I saw in front of my ocean blue eyes!!

So we had a party all went well then..

*phone rings*
*Aria goes to answer it*

"Hello?'' I said confused.
"Hey Aria!" Said Lolas mum sounding so angry it intimidated me.
"W-what seems to be the problem?" I asked, while seeing my body shake like a Ramen Noodle.
"Well i found out that Lola has been crying herself to sleep!! Because of you when you deleted and blocked her" she'd sound so mad i never thought anyone could sound as mad as she was..

*Aria starts to tear up*
*Ends call*
*Runs upstairs to her room slamming the door shut*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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