A Advture That Changed Me

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It was a cold Winters day the  year was 1914, i was a normal guy just finished school and was looking for a new beginning an adventure if you say so ,on September the 23rd i had enlisted my self in to the army thinking war would easy, fun, adventurous. Thought it would be over in a couple of days but oh how i was wrong,innocent comrades die right in front of me while fighting the Germans . We where planning a counter attack but instead we got captured  we were tortured for years i never gave up soon we would make it out . Most of them laughed at me, starving for days finally they had stopped the heavy guarding and left only one German i got his attention and grabbed hit head  and smashed it against the metal bars then i grabbed the keys and unlocked my self then i unlocked all the other comrades  that have me tortured but few of them had no hope so i took as many as i could and we found. A nearby German plane we where getting it ready to lift of but one of the Germans spotted us he called in his follow commands to attack us. We had flew of i screamed we are going home i hear some one sigh and i look around i saw that commander Kyle had been shot he says 'tell my wife i love her" he slowly closed his eyes dropped on my knees and say stay with us shook him but he still didn't open we had just got out of Germans territory it was a long journey and we where so close to home i could taste the fresh air just few more hours and we be there i couldn't believe that i was finally going home and see my son and wife oh how i miss them

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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