The Pool - Niall Horan One Shot

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I stayed at the swimming pool with some friends and we had tons of fun.

We splashed each others and screamed around and threw us into the water.

I started to get tired after some time and so I tried to climb out of the pool.

I pulled myself up the edge and placed a foot on it.

Then I stood up and pulled the other foot behind.

The floor was very slippery and I was about to slip and fall back into the water, as I felt a hand grabbing my wrist and pulling me back.

I fell against a hard chest and I recognized it was a boy.

"You okay?" A nice and gentle voice asked me.

I looked up into some beautiful blue eyes.

"Yeah. Thanks to you." I smiled.

Then I wondered. Why was he talking English, when we were in Germany?

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Ireland."

I took a step back.

Blond hair, blue and a little grey eyes, gorgeous smile.

I mentally face-palmed myself.

'Girl you are standing in front of Niall Horan.'

My biggest celebrity crush ever.

But since I am the girl I am I stayed cool, but still a little bit shocked.

"Niall Horan?" I whispered.

He smiled.

"Aye a fan huh?"

I nodded.

"Kind of. Are you alone?"

"No I've Liam with me and Paul's hanging around here somewhere, too. But I actually think he's outside in the car waiting for us."

"Are you crazy walking around here? I mean if some loopy Directioner girl recognizes you, you both are .. well fucked up."

He grinned.

"We can handle that."

I nodded caustic.

"Sure you can."

"Wanna come over to our sunbeds and talk a little?" He asked me.

"Yeah why not." I said and followed him.

"You can sit on Liam's place. If you want you can use his towel, I'm sure he's okay with it."

I sat down and wrapped myself in Liam Payne's towel.

"Well thanks Liam." I grinned.

We talked a lot about us and found out that we had some stuff in common.

We had lots of fun and we were on very good terms with each other.

I had an eye on the girls walking over and I actually just waited for the first one to freak out.

And soon one did.

"Oh my god. Is this Niall from One Direction?" She called in German.

I rolled my eyes.

"Here we have our first crazy girl." I whispered to him. "Shall I get rid of her?"

He nodded.

I went down the few steps on the side and planted myself in front of the girl and her other friends.

The Pool - Niall Horan One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now