Il Mio Tesoro

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If there was one thing that the man hated more than anything else; it was uncertainty. It was something that he just could not handle, especially in his line of work. So when it had struck him down, he had one hell-of-a-time dealing with it. But being the way he was, he just wouldn’t let it get to him. He normally shook off the feeling and kept on with what he was doing.

But this night, it had really gotten to him.

He sat silently at his table, his eyes directed at the glass of wine in front of him, and his mind occupied by the events of the day. He had finally gotten back to Venice after enduring one of Claudia’s breakdowns at him, having to listen to how much she hated working the book and dealing with the town’s finances and such, but Ezio just sat back and let her complain. It was always easier that way, just lay back and let her bitch, then seethe as he left.

But, of course, when he got back to his home in Venice, he couldn’t focus on anything but the first thing he saw when he got off the boat; bright blue eyes, long blond hair, and that smile, the one that made his heart skip a beat every time he saw it. But what did that even mean? He didn’t have feelings for the artist, did he? Even if he did, he was… Well. Himself. There was no way that the artist could love him back. There was no way a man like Leonardo da Vinci could love a man like Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Though Ezio could always dream, eh?

His gaze averted from his glass for a second, but he brought it back as he lifted his wine glass to his lips, taking a small sip and sighing. The cold glass made shivers roll down his spine, which made him wince just a bit, but he continued to let the strong bittersweet burgundy liquid run into his mouth. The taste made him feel a little better about his insecurities, not to mention the senses that the alcohol killed, but in killing those senses, his mind was able to rush even more.

As his eyes moved about the room, his mind moved to the blond again, and his mind suddenly flashed to what Leonardo had said when he arrived back; “Amico mio, whenever you have some time, I would like you to come to my workshop again. I need help with something, would you be interested in working with me for a while?”  Of course, Ezio said yes. He was unable to resist the bright glow of Leo’s aqua eyes, that cute, excited little smile he always got… Besides, he felt terrible for having to run off every time he went to go see Leo, it would be nice actually spending time with him. So, with that in mind, he looked out his window and nodded to himself. It was nearly sundown, and Leonardo was always up until at least midnight, so he might as well head out now. He finished the rest of his wine before perching himself on the windowsill and looking around outside. He took a deep breath, looking down to the ground, seeing the three story drop before he just took a deep breath and dove down.

He landed in the hay bales beneath his window, then stood and shook the hay from his body. He looked around the street and smiled a little. He loved this time of night, the fiery sun lighting the Venetian streets in a red blaze. He shook the thought away and bit his lip as he carried on down the street, looking around at all of the people who passed him by, giving him strange looks. After all, he was completely different, wearing his Assassin’s uniform, his hood pulled up so the shadow covered most of his face… He was quite the sight to the Venetian citizens.

He simply shook his head as he turned the corner, avoiding the gaze of the guards by only a few inches, barely avoiding a fight. That was a relief, especially when he had no idea what Leonardo could be planning. He definitely didn’t want to be showing up covered in blood and bruises. Leonardo would not be happy if he did, and he didn’t wish to upset the artist. He could never forgive himself if he did.

As his mind rushed around the blue eyed man, he felt his cheeks heat, and his steps became heavier, more intentioned. He knew what he was going for. He would tell Leo how he was feeling. He would try his very hardest to explain what was going on in his mind, why the normally relaxed <i>th-thump, th-thump, th-thump</i> of his heart became a harsh <i><b>thunk, thunk, thunk</b></i> every time their eyes met, their skin brushed…

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2012 ⏰

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