My Story (ON HOLD)

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Page 1 in my notebook~ Introduction

Right. So here goes nothing.

My story. I'm supposed to write my story. Ms.Fairfield, you're a great teacher, but... seriously?

I mean, how the heck do you expect me to do this? I don't have any story! What, am I supposed to just invite clowns and talking horses to waltz into my life and make my "story" more intresting? Like, you said we each have a story to tell, but if that were actually true, would I be racking my blank brain trying to come up with something even remotely amusing?

Yeah. I didn't think so. You know, now that I think about it, what kind of teacher gives us an assignment to fill a whole notebook that we're supposed to be continuing to write in for one whole month? One whole month! Am I some kind of machine that produces immediate, fun-to-read drama that's an exact replica of every cliché girly fiction book out there?

You know what? I refuse to do this. It's absoloutely ridiculous. I am not going to write some kind of boring essay about my boring life with the boring things in it. I'm already enough of a beige, dull brown wall that does nothing whatsoever except for just... standing there. Until it crumples.

And I am doing whatever it takes to prove I have something special about me. That I'm not destined to stand my whole life, watching things flash by until I crumple.

So I'm not doing this. Because it's getting boring just writing this first page. And also, my refrigerator is asking for me to lighten it's burden and have a snack.

Goodbye, Ms.Fairfield. I hope you know how much I hate you right now. Ignore all the garbage I was talking about when I said you were a great teacher.

*~~*~~* 1 hour later

I'm seriously freaking out right now. Because I'm gonna get an F. A big fat F. And then I'm going to fail in your class and my parents are going be screaming at me and then I'm going to get sent to the principal's office and he's going to write this on my permanent school record and none of the colleges will want me and I'm going to become depressed and single and I won't be able to get a job and my parents will kick me out of the house and I'll become homeless and jobless and beg for money on a curb wearing old, raggedy torn clothing and freezing to death in the winter.

And all because of your stupid "story" assignment. Thanks a lot.

*~~*~~* 3 hours later

You know, I've been re-thinking this whole essay thing. I just finished watching It's A Wonderful Life.

And that really put a whole new spin on things.

So, I guess maybe giving it a try won't kill me, even if it comes pretty close. It's not that I want to do this whole thing, it's just that if I don't it'll be pretty bad and I really don't want to get an F. Which is something I've never gotten before. And I don't want to make any decisions that will affect me later in life. I want to make good ones, just like the main character in that movie. Though he couldn't realize he had made the right choices, and had to have an angel help him come and knock some sense in to that crazy brain of his.

You know. All that really deep stuff.


My story. Starting now. Doing this stupid, stupid essay. Which I really don't want to do.

But you win.

Wow... So, this is my entry! For the judges who are reading, this is the prologue that comes before the first chapter. In your FAQ, someone asked if you could do a prologue, and you guys said yes, so that's why I know this is allowed and is not breaking the rules and stuff. This book is from a student's notebook that she is writing to her teacher, Ms.Fairfield, who assigned them a notebook they had to fill over the course of two months. You will find find more info about the protagonist in the first chapter, don't worry. This is the prologue so there's not a lot of detail.

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to audition! It means a lot to me. And if you're reading this without being a judge, don't expect anything (apart from the first chapter) until Aug.31st.Even if I don't get in, I'll still be continuing this book on my own free schedule. But if I do get in, I'll update every 1 or 2 weeks, depending on what the judges decide.

Best of luck to everyone! Bye!

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