Ashalle Had a Smile on Her Face

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Ashalle had a smile on her face, so Orest knew he was in trouble.

It was a I-have-good-news-that-I-think-is-good-news-to-you-but-is-really-only-good-news-to-me smile. Orest hated those smiles. The aravel was small, but large enough to fit Ashalle, the Keeper, Merrill, and him in it. Fenarel abandoned him at the door as he finished his job of fetching Orest from the outskirts of the camp. The damn turncoat.

I am... alone, he thought, swallowing hard. He had no idea what he was going to be reprimanded for. And on his twentieth birthday, no less.

"Mahariel," Ashalle smiled, taking his hands in hers and smiling up at him. "Just know now that I'm so proud of you, dear." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Uh, thanks?" He said, his teeth showing in a cringing smile. "What's this about?"

"Orest Mahariel," the Keeper sighed. "Please, sit down." She looked far less enthusiastic.

"I'm good, thanks." He stayed standing, his hands cold as Ashalle took her place next to the Keeper on the bench. He was by himself in the back of the aravel, a heavy weight pressing down on him as the three women looked up at him. Well, Merrill was more of a girl, seeing as she was only seventeen, but the point still stood. The young mage seemed to be barely containing her excitement, lips pressed together to hold back a smile, her ears pointing straight up. She'd gotten her vallaslin a year early, but he couldn't see her as an adult quite yet.

"Mahariel," the Keeper said, shaking her head. "As you well know, you're one of the most gifted hunters in the Clan." He couldn't fully take the praise, as her voice stirred an anxiety in his stomach he couldn't shake. "And with such a position comes responsibility." He swallowed, nodding.

"I know."

"Good. So, seeing as you are of an adequate age, I believe it is time you take on some of that responsibility." She stood, a soft smile on her lips. "And do our Clan proud."

"I'm more lost than a shem in the Brecilian," he said. The Keeper sighed, as if she disliked the fact that she had to say she was proud of such an idiot. "Can we please just get to the point?"

"It's time for you to bond with someone!" Ashalle said, grinning widely. Orest's eyes went wide, his rich brown skin going ashen. "What's wrong?" She asked, standing quickly as she realized that he looked as if he were going to faint.

"With... who?" He choked out. "Don't... I get to choose that?"

"As Keeper, I believe it would be best for the Clan if our most gifted hunter were to bond with my first," the Keeper said, her hand on his shoulder. His dark brown eyes fell on Merrill, who looked nervous, but bursting at the seams in childish excitement.

So that's why she's here... The realization was like ice water as it hit him.

"No way!" He yelled, pushing the Keeper's hand off of him. Merrill jumped, and all three women looked as if he'd told them all to go fuck the Dread Wolf. "I am not bonding with her!" His heart was racing. Never! Never, never, never! Not with Merrill! I couldn't- I can't leave Tamlen! He felt dizzy, like all the blood in his head was pooling on the floor.

"Why not?" The Keeper asked, vallaslin shifting as her anger came out, even if her tone stayed near even. "She is a lovely young girl, a mage, my first-!"

"She's like my little sister!"

"Give it time, and you will learn to love her differently," Ashalle said, standing next to the Keeper. "Many Dalish have similar experiences, Orest."

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