Pet school

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A story that enlightens the reader on the pressure of becoming a good pet.

Who me? Worry.

All his life, Pigert the pig was told that he had to stay out of trouble, do good in school so he can get into pet school, become a pet and live the easy life for himself, his wife and his piglets.

If he does not go to Pet school, he'll live a life of consent financial struggle, his piglets will also be at a disadvantage as they don't have a parent that has a Pet school education.

During his High school years, Pigert would be yelled at for not prepping for pet school. Some of his friends, who were not cats and dogs were yelled at for wanting to be a farm animal.

"Farm animals make no money! Pets make all of the wealth, do you want to be poor?"

One day, Pigert was tested on his ability to go fech. He failed the test, he was too slow and tired out quickly from running back and forth. He was berated for his failure, he was told he'd be nothing if he doesn't work harder. Be like the dogs and cats at his high school, or be a loser.

Pigert took those words to heart and believed the gospel and began busting his ass to get into pet school. By time senior year came around, Pigert was the best student, that wasn't a cat or a dog. He planned on going to the community pet school for his first two years then state pet school to limit the expense for himself and his family. When he told his Yellow Retriever guidance counselor, she pointed out his poor decision.

"Bark Bark, don't do that. No one takes you seriously with community pet school as an education on your resume. Apply to State pet schools."

"But I don't have oink oink the money."

"You can get loans from the banks.You only have to pay them back after you graduate."

At feeding time, Pigert told his friends about his meeting with the Guidance counselor, his mention of going to community pet school caused the cats and dogs to laugh at him.

"Community pet school sucks. It's a joke," one dog states.

"That's not the Pet school experience," one cat insistes.

After being laughed at by the cats and dogs, Pigert changed his mind and applied to state Pet school, where he was accepted. He began applying for student loans soon after.

The fall after graduating, Pigert was roaming Pet school campus, surrounded by cats and dogs who looked down upon him for his transportation, or lack of thereof and for being from a farm animal family, rather than a pet family. They believed that Pigert did not belong with the rest of them as they wore shirts about equality and fairness to all animals.

Not all the cats and dogs were against Pigert, some would feel sympathy for him for his ancestral background and blue collar family. They would tell Pigert.

"Pigert, I understand how it feels to be you. Wolves and Foxes hate you for being yourself. I have your back."

"Why do they hate me? Oink Oink,"

"Because of how you look, how you speak, where you're from. Meow, meow."

Pigert knew of the past aggressions from the wolves, but after being told he's hated through multiple cats and dogs, he assumes that there's something wrong with him since so many hate him.

His professors were not much better, even with paying them. Some would show up late, without any repercussions. Many would yell at him for not doing it the right way, the dog and cat way. Contacting them or any other services in the school was a drag, rarely did any of the services do anything for Pigert besides be a hassle. Pigert had to conform to exactly what the professors wanted, even though he was paying them. Regardless of what he was thought and the professor's effort throughout the semester, he'd have to pay the same amount. He was thought be the books, not to adapt or think for himself. He became reliant on someone to tell him to do it

The best thing to happen in the four years of Pigert's time in Pet school was getting his first girlfriend Chiclette, a chicken from a farm animal family. She had similar ambitions like Pigert, she wanted to be like a cat and or a dog since chickens are hated.

"I want the college experience! I want to go out, travel with the other students!"

Pigert was on a budget, living off loans since he thought it'd be too much of a challenge to balance a job and six classes during the semester.

"If you're not going to go out on adventures with me and hang out with my friends, maybe we shouldn't be together."

After Chiclette told Pigert that, Pigert began spending for the girl he loved, he took around her the country, went to musical festivals. She finally got to enjoy the Pet school experince, and all of her followers on social media enjoyed it.

After spending thousands of dollars, exchanging hours of sleep for time to study, Pigert graduated from Pet school. He could now be a pet. When he applied, no one hired him to be their pet. He was in debt and wasn't able to find a pet job that he was told he needed to reach the promised land, the cats and dogs he went to school with did and whatever debt, they had was gone in a few years. He was thought to be a cat and a dog, rather than thought to be a pig.

Anthony Bedingfield


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