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As I step out of the car, my eyes widen in awe at the sight of the villa before me. It's grander than anything I could have imagined, a sprawling mansion that exudes elegance and luxury in every detail.

A woman approaches us, her demeanour  poised and professional. "Welcome to Palazzo del Monte, Signora Brown," she says with a warm smile.

I glance around, taking in the opulence of my new surroundings. "So this is my new place, huh?" I murmur, turning to Leone for confirmation.

He nods, a hint of pride evident in his expression. "Yes," he replies simply, his voice tinged with satisfaction.

The woman's eyes widen in surprise as she realizes who Leone is. "Leone Monte, it is a pleasure to have your visit here," she says, her tone respectful.

Leone waves her off impatiently. "Yes, yes, take us to Brown's new flat," he says brusquely. "I have a lot to discuss with her."

The woman nods quickly, leading us through the ornate halls of the villa until we reach a corner room. She unlocks the door and gestures for us to enter.

As I step inside, a sense of wonder washes over me. The flat is spacious and elegant, with high ceilings and tasteful furnishings. The air is tinged with the scent of newness that my old place didn't have. At some point, the place was starting to smell like wet dogs.

"I hope this is to your liking."

I step closer to the window, drawn to the view outside. But instead of a picturesque landscape, all I see are trees and bushes, blocking out any glimpse of the world beyond.

"Oh yes, what a wonderful view," I mutter sarcastically, turning to face Leone with a raised eyebrow.

He chuckles, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "It's for privacy. Something you'll be needing," he says cryptically, his eyes glinting with mischief.

I narrow my eyes at him, my patience wearing thin. "So this job, what is it in full extent? No more secrets," I demand, my voice firm.

Leone nods, a knowing look passing between us. He gestures for the woman to leave, and as she exits the room, he turns back to me, his expression serious.

He reaches for the fabric draped over the couch and brings it over to me. "I need you to wear this first," he says, handing me the black garment.

I take it from him, unfolding the fabric to reveal a dress adorned with silver embellishments. I glance up at Leone, who is leaned casually against the couch with his arms crossed.

"Well, go on. Put it on," he says, his tone impatient.

I hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to make of his request. "I'm going to change in the room."

Leone rolls his eyes, a smirk playing at his lips. "I don't see the point of you doing that. It's not like you have much to hide underneath that."

I ignore his taunts, determined not to let him get under my skin. With a sigh, I turn and make my way to the bedroom, closing the door behind me. As I change into the dress, a sense of unease settles over me, a feeling that this job may be far more dangerous than I had initially thought. But with no other options left, I steel myself for whatever lies ahead.

I return to where Leone is waiting, his eyes briefly twinkling with amusement before settling back into seriousness as I approach.

"Good, it fits. No need to make alterations," he comments, nodding towards the dress I'm wearing.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what comes next. "Okay, so tell me what this job is," I say, my voice steady despite the nerves churning inside me.

Leone sighs, his expression grave. "You will be my arm candy spy, used to take down my enemy," he explains, his tone somber.

"What?" I blink.

Leone nods, his gaze intense. "I have an enemy from another mafia family, the Rizzos. They are a bit more powerful than the Montes, and they are threatening to take power from us. We cannot allow that to happen," he continues, his voice dripping with urgency. "But there is no other way to take them down until I discovered that the leader, Rocco Rizzo, is a drunkard with a weakness for exotic women."

My heart sinks as I realize where this is going. "So you want me to seduce him," I say, the words heavy on my tongue.

"I've tried that method before unfortunately, the last girl I was working with thought it was better to be one of Rocco's many mistresses and risk blowing my cover. So I had to get rid of her."

"So what is the new method?"

"You will be attending events with me where Rocco will be. You will also be hanging out in public spaces. Roccos will be like his yacht and his lounges where he conducts important business meetings surrounded by girls like you who are not seen much as a suspect. There, you will distract him with your charms and gather information from the Rizzos from within."

"So that's why you want me to be fluent in Italian."

I take a moment to let his words sink in, the enormity of the task ahead of me weighing heavily on my shoulders. It's a dangerous mission, one that could cost me my life, but it's also our only chance to save the Montes from destruction.

"If you are worried for your safety, Camellia will be there keeping an eye on you. I believe you have met her before."

"And if I help you, then I can go home."

"SÌ, signora."

"Okay," I say finally, steeling myself for what comes next. I stand tall, my resolve firm as I prepare to embark on the dangerous mission that lies ahead. But before I can fully gather my courage,Leone steps close to me, his presence looming over me like a shadow.

"Good." His fingers trail lightly down my arms, sending a shiver down my spine as he reaches the spaghetti strap that has slipped off my shoulder. With a gentle touch, he lifts it back into place, his touch surprisingly tender and hot against my skin.

Then his lips hover just on my ears. "I know that you won't disappoint me" his voice was low and intimate.

I swallow hard, unable to tear my gaze away from his intense stare. Despite the danger that surrounds us, there's something undeniably alluring about him, something that draws me in despite my better judgment.

Leone's lips curve into a small smile, a glimmer of satisfaction dancing in his eyes. And as he steps back, looking at me one last time before he leaves my new home. 

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