Whew Chile... The Ghetto (Pilot)

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Xavier POV

"Also Mr. Hall you will be required to go to public school, I know you've been attending Private School but your new fosters can't afford the tuition of schools like that, as there are several teens like yourself who's being sheltered!" My case worker told me!

Fuck this shit man! I don't even know how I ended up here!

I shouldn't be punished for what my parents did! That shit didn't have anything to do with me!
Now life as I knew it is gone!

A fucking foster home! I'm going to be living with juveniles,wards of the states, probably in some ran down poverty stricken shackkkkkk!!

"Mr.Hall! Are you even listening?" The caseworker asked!

"Yeah sure whatever! I don't care!" I told her.

"Young man, I know you been through a lot, I get it! I tried my best to place you in a good home! Give these people a chance! Do what they tell you! I don't want you to be all through the system constantly having to be placed at different foster homes!!" She told me.

I guess she was right in a way, but they can't just expect me to be okay with giving up my whole life, and settling to being a ward of the fucking state!

"Do you understand me boy!" Miss Jamison asked me.

"My name ain't boy!" I told her right back!

"Xavier that attitude!" She said in disgust!

You can not call me boy, especially if you are lighter than a styrofoam cup!

"Don't call me boy!" I told her again.

"Okay Xavier, just lose the attitude!" She said.

"Yeah and you lose the sweater vest Blanche Devereaux, we headed to the ghetto and you dressed like Trump Auntie!" I told her!

She gasped in shock at the shade, and looked down at her sweater, and turned the volume up on the radio!

We drove for what like hours to we slowed down in this poverty stricken neighborhood!

Thugs on the side of the streets, kids running and playing in the roads!

Abandoned houses covered in vines that should be condemned and knocked down!

We pulled up at the decent house on the street!
Kinda put you in the mind of Madea House!

Huge porch, definitely a 2 story house! Egg shell white with a fence around the yard! The air conditioning units sticking out the windows made me chuckle to myself!

This is the best she could do?

"Well come on! This it! Ms. Jackson and Tyriq are some of the best we got! Do not make me look bad! Best behavior!" She told me!

"Lord have mercy Miss Jamison!" I said rolling my eyes! I'm sick of her already! If these folks are anything like her I'm in hell!

"Vikki!!!! How are we today!" Miss Jamison said walking off to the porch!

There stood a beautiful middle aged black woman! She had on her apron and her long black hair was pulled back in a ponytail!

"Debra! It's good to see you!" She said giving Miss Jamison a hug!

"Girl I look a mess, you caught me in here cooking Chile! Now who is this handsome young man?" She said directing her contagious smile at me.

"This is Xavier! Xavier say hi to Mrs. Jackson!" She instructed me!

"Girl you tripping, I am not 3, I know how to introduce myself!" I said

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