A-Head of the Curve

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Any other person would have been in awe of the enormous sprawling spectacle that was the Halberd's cargo bay. Rows and rows of boxes and various containers towered far above her, each aisle accordingly labeled. But Susie was not any other person. To her, it was almost quaint compared to the amount of cargo and supplies aboard the Access Ark. Though there was a certain thrill to creeping about somewhere you weren't wanted.

Meta had mentioned something about an upcoming expedition, no doubt to gather needed materials. His stubborn refusal to accept that reconstructing the Ark's technology was impossible was endearing, if not entirely foolish. There were many things that one could consider endearing about the man. Meta was far less cruel than his posturing would lead you to believe. Even though she had tortured and enslaved him, he still refused to lay a hand on her and provided all basic necessities. He even brought the same food that he and his crew ate in lieu of any sort of prisoner meal.

"Are you sure you have to come along?" Susie ducked back into the crate she'd been hiding in. It would be pathetic to be caught this early in her plan.

"I am certain. My knowledge of our destination far exceeds any other's" a familiar voice responded. Susie stiffened. Meta was by far the most observant out of anyone aboard the ship.

"Look, you don't need any more stress. And we know just as much as you do. You don't even remember your time there!" Susie perked up. It seemed that her accidental eavesdropping may glean some fascinating information.

"Perhaps that is why I wish to return there? For closure?" Meta's tone turned irritated. There was a sigh from the other person, who Susie surmised must be Dee.

"It's destroyed, Meta. It won't be anything like the stories say."

"Even so..." there was a weighty pause, "I would appreciate a sense of closure at the very least." The footsteps were beginning to fade, and Susie strained to hear their conversation.

"Fine, it's not like I can order you around. But let us take care of getting there, you need the rest. Especially since we're heading to ..." Dee's voice faded away, leaving the silence of the cargo bay to fall back over Susie. Whatever planet they were headed to, it was important in some way to Meta. The stowaway yawned and leaned back on the pilfered assortment of blankets and cushions she'd snatched from several empty rooms adjacent to hers. It was comfortable enough, for a makeshift hideaway.

A low rumble began echoing through the massive room, indicating that the warship was beginning takeoff. The Ark had been so large that one couldn't even detect its movement, but she could certainly feel the subtle rolling of the Halberd. It made her remember those times before, the only memories she regarded with fondness. When she was traveling the galaxy with her father, experiencing civilizations rather that destroying them. A part of her yearned to experience such a thing again, a part of her that she quickly stamped out and ignored. Susie let her eyes slide closed, and drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Susie scampered out of her hiding place as a shrill alarm began blaring, shaking off any remnants of sleep. How long had she been asleep? The ship lurched suddenly, hurling her into the ground. She groaned, and clawed her way back to her makeshift shelter. The Halberd seemed to level out, and she sighed with relief. Perhaps Meta or one of his crewmates had fallen asleep at the helm. That line of thought was banished as a second, more violent lurch sent her into the side of the crate, causing her shoulder to let out a sickening pop.

"Brace for impact!" Meta's voice was distinct even through the distortion of a speaker. Susie barely had time to heed the warning before she was tossed about as the crate flipped over and her world went dark once more.

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