Inspire Me Please - a One Direction fanfiction (A Niall Horan love story)

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Inspire Me Please

I don’t own One Direction. I only own Mari, Lynn, Max, her Mom, her Dad and the plotline. If you steal it you can and will be severely punished.

“Mum, Dad!!! What’s going on?!” I heard the yell before I saw her, my older sister Mari. I hated, no wait that’s not strong enough loathed no, DETESED, her with my entire living being.  She’s only the middle child but Mum and Dad loved her more and took her side ALL the time. I mean, she told them that I had sex and that I was a slut, I said that I was still a virgin and they took her side. I hated it.  Always being looked down upon, being told that I was a failure. I even had to do Mari’s collage homework for her, no wonder she’s passing and I’m not. That’s why I’m ending it all and moving in with the oldest of us three, Lynn. Lynn’s my favorite and I’m hers. She lives in London so I had a chance to start new.

Oh wait, I forgot. My name’s Maxine, everyone calls me Max. I’m the “black sheep” of my so called family. I write stories, songs, poems, anything. I read, draw, sew, garden, cook, clean, oh, and I sing too. Lynn tells me I sound beautiful. I don’t believe her. I have waist length dark brown, almost black, hair and brown/green eyes. I play the flute. “MAXINE!!! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!” Snapping me out of my trace was Mari’s annoying voce.

“What the bloody hell do you want, you stupid ass git?” I growled out as Mum and Dad weren’t in the area.

“What did you call me? Oh, never mind. I need you to pack my clothes for me after you do my homework. I’m going on a trip with Mum and Dad this summer. So, chop chop. I’m going shopping! Bye, ugly!” With that said she turned to walk out.

“Do your own stuff for once. I’m sick and tired of listening to you. Bye.” I left the kitchen as she froze in shock when I talked back to her.


3 weeks later and I was ready to go. Mum, Dad and Mari had left for the Bahamas’ yesterday. My animals were already at Lynn’s house. Apparently, she works for a hot new boyband as their make-up artist. I picked up my cellphone and called her, “Lynn?”

“Max!! How are you dear? Harry, hold still! Louis, stop messing around! LIAM!!!!” She spoke to me then turned away from the phone to yell at a few people.

“Did… I call you at the wrong time?” I had an eyebrow raised.

“No, the boys are being idiots.” She replied, grunting.

“Sis, eu posso chamar de volta depois de eu chegar ao aeroporto.” I stated in Portuguese. (Sis, I can call back after I get to the airport)

“Não, eu posso ficar no cargo até você chegar lá. Além disso, Snowy e Abby estão lutando entre si.” She replied back. We had learned it as children so Mum, Dad and Mari couldn’t understand us. (No, I I can stay on until you get there. Also, Snowy and Abby are fighting.)

“Em seguida, separá-los, você sabe Arroz mulheres tendem a lutar. Espere um pouco. Fayetteville Airport please. Thank you.” I said, speaking to my sister then the Taxi driver after putting my stuff in the trunk and getting in. (Then seperate them, you know female Rice tend to fight. Hold on a minute.) Ah, Snowy and Abby, my Rice.

Rice are the offspring of a male Rat and female Mouse. I bred them myself.

“No problem, miss.” He replied.

“Assim, Lynn, como você está?” I asked her. (Anyway, Lynn, how are you?)

“Eu estou bem. Zayn, stop looking in the mirror and sit down! Como você está?” She answered, cutting off in the middle to yell at one of the band mambers. (I’m fine. Zayn, stop looking in the mirror and sit down! How are you?)

“É que Uma Direção?” I quizzed, raising an eyebrow. (Is that One Direction?)

“I’ve gotta go. Call me when you take off and again when you land. Okay?” She sounded fustrated.

“Sure. Bye Lynn.”

“Bye Max.” And with that, she hung up.

“What are you looking at?” I snapped at the driver after he looked at me funny.

This was going to be weird.

Okay, so, this is my better One Direction fanfic. Please read, review and vote!! Hope you like it!! Also, if anyone sees someone who has posted this story under their name without stating that I created it or they are claiming that they came up with the ideas then please notify me. Right away. Pic on side is Jessica Lowndoes, the woman I say looks close to Max.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2012 ⏰

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