Chapter 1

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Jetwing:    Chapter 1

“JULIE!” my sister was calling me ugh what did she want this time? I threw down my suitcase and jumped down the stairs ignoring the pain that shot through my leg,

“Julie! What took you so long!? I’ve been calling for ages!”

“Sorry i just finished packing everything.” I said with a tinge of annoyance.

 I knew my sister was a little on edge ever since my mum died but did she really have to take it out on me? I mean i can deal with it well but she obviously gets it pretty bad, i mean having to look after me and all. See my mum and dad were nice people once. But when i was 7 my dad died unexpectedly, just like that. That was when i was really down. That kick was the hardest one i have ever felt, i cried for weeks on end, i can say that much.

I’m seventeen, and now everyone thinks I’m an alien because when mum died i didn’t cry it all, not one little bit. I wasn’t fazed in the slightest; because truth be told i didn’t like the new mum. The old mum left ten years ago and was buried with my dad. And now i was stuck here looking after myself with my 5 year older sister who thinks she’s looking after me. But in reality all she wants is to move out and have her own life. And that’s just what she’s gonna do. Because i read her diary and now i know all her plans to get rid of me. But in all honestly I’d rather just live in a tent and read books all day eat when i need to and clean myself i guess. But that would have to wait.

“Are you ready to get out of this shithouse!?” Melody asked me.

“Depends on what you mean by a ‘shithouse’ the new house we’re moving into isnt too flash either, in fact its a step downwards if i do say so myself.”

“Just be happy you’re coming with me Julie.” She went all sarcastic. “y,know I’d probably just pack up and leave you here to live on your own if i had it my way, but mum just had to leave me here with you.”

“Well looks like i’m your entire problem now Melody.” I chuckled. Typical, i didn’t think she’d let her feelings out this early.

I got in the car and then we were off, the outside world became a blur I let myself drift away from reality. I was thinking of how i was going to cope with being in a school, this was obviously my sisters way of ‘getting rid of me’ well aside from making me sleep outside in a tent.

So i guess it was the most boring two hours of my life sitting in my sister’s car while she played her favourite music. I couldn’t stop thinking about how i was actually going to go to a public area school. I’d never been popular; come to think of it I’ve never had any friends. So while i sat there fretting, the car stopped.

I took a glance outside. The house looked strange; it had a big front yard with lots of trees and bushes. The house was white in colour with scratched of bits of paint here and there. It had a big porch but beyond that I couldn’t see anything else. I grabbed my suitcase and just stood there sort of taking everything in.

“So, what do you think Julie?” Melody asked me with her hands on her hips.

“Well it’s nice I guess, but it could use a bit of work.” I replied

“Well help me bring all of this stuff inside. The movers are coming later with all my furniture, but I’m going out soon okay?”

“Sure” I said I noticed how she said ‘my’ furniture looks like she was going with the whole making me live in a tent plan.

So we spent the next few hours taking all of Melody’s stuff and putting it in the house. It was pretty boring but we managed to finish.

"Ok Julie I’m going out now! Make sure you buy some dinner tonight because I’m not gonna be home. Tootles!”

Figures I never thought she’d leave. I sat down on the floor wondering what I would do. I then had the overwhelming urge to explore. So I picked up my bag and headed out.

It was about 2 pm and it was quite foggy outside. Strange… it was sunny not too long ago, I then started to come up with images of fog making fairies who were changing the mood of my situation. So I headed out to town, it wasn’t much. There was a supermarket, a bricked pub, a police station. Everything a town needs really. I also passed a skate park where there were lots of teenagers that probably went to my school. I sort of paid no attention to what they were doing.

So I walked for a few minutes and I found this weird looking graveyard. It had lots of creepy leafless trees and boggy swamps covering the ground. It was the classic storybook graveyards I’d read about, kinda like the ones that zombies and vampires would reanimate out of.

Then I saw it… THE weirdest thing ever. It was a tree, just sitting there in the middle of the graveyard. It was covered with leaves and a ray of sunlight was pouring over this tree like a jug in a mug.

I approached the tree and placed my hand to my heart “I hereby claim you my tree.” I said, I felt really weird taking to this tree but anyway I went on. “You will be named Sanctuary, and you will see the most of me than any other face.” Ok I’d officially lost it. I was nicknaming a tree and quite frankly about to hug it. But I didn’t care it was the single most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my dull pathetic excuse for a life.

I sat under the tree pondering that I only had two days before I started school. It was Friday and words couldn’t describe how much I hated Mondays……

The first thing I remembered before falling asleep was two red gleaming eyes piercing my soul.

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