I don't know how else it would sit, seeing as it is an inanimate object.

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The scent of Eucalyptus lingers in the air. I wish it could hang above me, and hold me forever. It smells like home.

The towering paperbark trees whisper amongst themselves as the wind whistles through them, provoking a displeased chorus of chirps and squarks from the birds in the trees.

I was going to miss this.

"Ryan? Honey, Breakfast is ready."

"Thanks mum, I'll be there in a minute."

Reluctantly, I heave myself off the chair swing that's sat on our patio for longer than I've been alive. No, really. we have photos.

In the kitchen, i can see mum spreading vegemite on one piece of toast, and some sort of jam on the other. I give her a quick smile, before grabbing my toast and sitting down at the small, round table with my younger sisters.

"Morning guys"


"Ry Ry!"

I smile at Fi, then laugh at the nickname Carmen had given me. I liked it, even if it did stem from her lack of talking abilities.

"Are you excited about school this year, Ryan?"

My head twists round to look at my mother, rolling my eyes at the prospect of starting term.

"Oh I just cannot wait. Like, just, send me there right now."

"Well if you're going to be sarcastic like that, I might do just that."

I glare at her, but only for a second before smiling playfully. She reached over and ruffled my hair.



I roll my eyes.

"I just did my hair."

She gives me a nod and pouts. I just smile sarcastically, pushing my empty plate away from me. After I've gulped my water down, I notice her expression hasn't changed whatsoever.


She quirks an eyebrow, as if I'd just pulled her out of a trance.

"I just can't believe my baby boy is going to big school this year."

"Mum I'm sixteen, I'm not exactly just finishing primary."

"I know boo, I Just don't want you to have to go away."

I didn't want to go away either to boarding school. Especially not this one. Riverview college. God even the name was pretentious enough to make me gag. They'd also given us some of our most hated politicians too. I just love rich, liberal party members. *In australia the liberal party is the right-wing, conservative party.*

"Ry honey?"


"What are you thinking about?"

"I... I just don't want to go to boarding school. It just seems so... not me."

I watched her chest sink. I hate disappointing her. I just really, really, don't want to go.

"Look, Ryan."

I nod at her words, not fully listening. My mind was racing over all the shit that could go wrong while I was away. For me, and the park.

"I know it seems like a lot, sending you away. But you're a bright kid, and distance education just doesn't work for you any more. It doesn't challenge you. And, you don't want to be stuck running a caravan park in your glory days like your dad and I were doing."

Land Down Under // Rydon AUWhere stories live. Discover now