Chapter 1 - The Future

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''What's happening?'' Worriedly asked Iris as Barry's head tilted to his right before his whole body was leaning forward in his chair.

If that wasn't enough to increase the woman's uneasiness, Barry's rapidly increasing breathing and the computer alarm that went off in the next moment, stopping Caitlin midway in her movement to open her mouth, did the trick and confirmed she had real reasons for her anxiety. Instantly reacting, while controlling her rising panic, the doctor stared straight at her computer screen, analyzing the data she had been monitoring:

''His brain waves are off the chart.'' She observed loudly before turning her attention to the two sitting men. ''Barry, it's not real.'' Well, not yet. ''You need to calm down.''

'Come on, don't do this.' She silently thought.

''Barry! Come back here.'' Boomed Cisco's voice speaking from inside his vibe. The engineer's body was tensing up in his chair while his blood pressure and heartbeat peaked instantly. Something was definitely not right.

''What's happening?'' Urgently said H.R., looking around at each and every scientist in the room, someone had to know what to do. Right? Right?! Cause he sure as hell didn't have a single clue.

''Come back to me, Barry.'' Said Iris, rushing forward and kneeling closer to her boyfriend with her hands hovering over him, unsure if she could touch him. Would that bring him back? Would he be able to sense it all to way inside his vision?

What started as a tic, a single motion, quickly turned into much, much more. Mere seconds later, the silent hero's head violently started to shake around, his arms and legs suddenly strongly jerking in all directions.

''Caitlin!'' Called out Iris in alarm, her eyes locking themselves on the doctor, silently screaming for help: 'Please, help him. Do something.'

''Cisco, get him out!'' Shouted the doctor to the engineer, her face reflecting the same level of dread than her friend while she was fidgeting over her computer screen unsure what the hell she was supposed to do. ''He's about to-''

Too late. The speedster whole body stiffened just before his muscles violently started to jolt in the chair; every single one were jerking, moving and shaking all over the place with no control whatsoever from the man himself.

''Oh my God!'' Shouted Iris, putting her hand in front of her wide-open mouth. Her eyes fully opened with tears already burning in the corner of them. It wasn't supposed to happen.

They needed to do something. They needed to get him back, now! Perhaps if she...No time to think or overthink it. The reporter did the only thing her panic brain could come up with; disconnecting the speedster. He was fine before going in, he should be once he's out. Reacting, without thinking, she reached out for the headset and took it off, but not without screaming out in surprise and pain as she was doing it.

''Ow.'' She exclaimed, bringing her shocked fingers to her mouth to try and ease the physical pain. Really? Just what she needed today. Not the time for electric malfunctions.

''Iris?'' Asked Caitlin in concern, yet barely glancing at the young woman before reporting all of her attention to her most urgent patient who wasn't nearly done seizing.

''I'm ok.'' She assured, massaging her right hand. Burning and tickling sensation were all over the limb, but this could wait to be looked at. Barry, on the other hand, couldn't wait. What about Cisco? ''Cisco, get out too!'' The young reporter screamed at the engineer, fearing the same fate was awaiting him.


A loud sound brought back everyone's attention to Barry as the man violently shoved his head backward, connecting it against the metal chair.

''Lay him on the ground, now!'' Ordered Caitlin to anyone listening, not even noticing that Cisco was now out of his vision. The engineer took off his own headset and started looking around, first in confusion and then in complete dread.

''Barry! What's happening?!'' He screamed to the doctor, jumping to his feet, instantly in full out panic. ''Why is he seizing?''

''I don't know.'' She snapped back in frustration, trying to shout loud enough to cover to piercing alarm. If anyone could just stop talking and let her do her damn job. Just getting the young man out of the chair had her drenched in sweat, or maybe it was just because of the efforts needed to stay calm. Even with H.R. help, she was struggling to get and keep any kind of grip of Barry who just wouldn't stop moving.

''Easy, easy.'' She said as they both finally managed to take Barry out of the chair and they were trying to lay the hero on the ground. Easier said than done. They all winced as another sudden movement had the speedster's head hit the ground. The next instant, the hero went completely still.

Exchanging a worried glance, Caitlin and H.R. put there the hero on the ground, not giving any attention to all of Cisco and Iris' comments or questions. Leaning over the CSI, Caitlin put her ears just over his mouth and closely watched the chest under the beige hoodie.

''He's....he's not breathing.'' She choked out after a couple of anxious moments.

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