Sernando ( One Shot)

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Sergio is set to marry his longstanding girlfriend of 3 years. He arrives @ the church, has invited every one he knows apart from the one friend he can no longer bear to be around. It's a beautiful sunny day in Seville, the birds are singing, blue cloudless sky these are the things Sergio is thinking of has he gets ready for the best day of his life bar none, winning trophies is nothing compared to this, his wedding day, but still he has that nagging feeling he's had in the pit of his stomach for many years now. His mind is set on spending his life with his wife to be, but he knows deep down in his soul, his heart belongs to another. He walks up the aisle with all these eyes upon him, his family, his friends, numerous fans who've gathered outside this wonderful old building from many centuries ago, where his beautiful sister had got married just last July & his friend come brother, Jesus, the year before his sister in June. The organ begins to play 'here comes the bride' he's tempted to turn & look but resists has his bride makes her way slowly to join her groom,  Sergio is nervous, never did he think this day would ever happen for him, he was feeling left behind in the marriage stakes, every one around him was getting married, but now it was his turn. The bride finally reaches her groom, they look into each others eyes & smile kind of shyly to each other. The Vicar begins the ceremony....

He enters the church quietly & alone, no one even turns to see him there. He sits on the end of the empty pew @ the back, studying the scene before him, he came here today, because last week he finally admitted to himself that he loves some one else & not his wife of these last few years, he sits listening, thinking, thinking back to that 1 night in Madrid when the NT won the Euro's, it wasn't meant to happen but it did & now he'd thought of nothing else since, every waking moment, every second he slept, that 1 night was there, burnt in his memory. The face, the beautiful brown eyes that were like looking into a starry night sky, the lips with a sensation that left his own lips tingling hours after they'd  kissed & fell asleep, that beautiful heart & soul  that was once his friend. He knew he loved him more than he should, he knew in his heart, this was the person he was meant to be with, today he will make his declaration, hes just waiting, waiting for that one sentence, " if any 1 here knows to any reason why these two persons should not get married, please speak now or forever hold your peace" he stood up abruptly, "I do", everyone heard from the back, turning to look where these two most damning words had come from, but Sergio?, he  already knew. The vicar asked "why?" Fernando's reply was simple, "because Sergio loves me". Every one was stunned into silence. The bride to be looked @ Sergio with tears filling her eyes, "is it  true?"  she asked, Sergio swallowed hard, people were so gonna hate him now for what he was about to reply, apart from his family of course who stood by him always, "it's true" he uttered, his now ditched bride barely heard him. She fled from the church with tears streaming down her cheeks, her family cursing Sergio & in hot pursuit of thier daughter, sister, friend. Fernando made his way to the front, now there was only Sergio's family & friends present. The vicar made him self scarce has Nando & Sergio sat on the step talking between themselves, "why you do that Nando??" Sergio asks, "you must remember our 1 night in Madrid uh Sergio??"  Nando admits  that he'd had feelings for the younger man beyond friendship for many years now, Sergio has to admit that he has the same feelings, & seeing has they're in church it's the best place, in front of god, to be honest with each other. They get up from the step & walk hand in hand back down the aisle out of the church, into the beautiful sunset that is now setting over Seville..... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2012 ⏰

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