Chapter 1: starter

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*hello I'm Brooklyn I'm 15 I'm from London, so this is my first ever book on wattpad, this story is real, it's based on my best friend and her brother's relationship, I asked her if I could write a story based on their relationship but I'll add my own twist and turns, so I wrote this 3 years ago when I was 12, but I thought I should write it on wattpad , I hope you all like it, you can leave requests in the comments*

Logan's POV

Dear diary,

I'm Logan, I'm a 15 year old girl who just started high school, I have 3 brothers, Lucas he's 16 and Liam 14 and Louis 13, so a year between each one if us, this is diary is going to be about my relationship with Lucas ( Luke ), I'll tell you what happened between us, when we were kids we used to be so close to the point where we had to share a room, we did everything together, we toke the blame together, we did anything and everything together, until last year when Luke started high school, my brother changed he became the popular boy, he started to treat me like nothing, that's when we stopped being close, today is my first day of freshmen year, so yea wish me luck, did I mention we are British?.

With love,



"Logan wake up its, 5:30 start getting ready you start school at 6:30" my mum yelled

"I'm up, I'm up, don't worry" I yelled back, I can't wait to go to school!, note the sarcasm

I heard a knock on my door I went to open it to see Luke

"What do you want?, are you back to tell me I'm ugly well I don't give a mother fuck about what you think Luke" I said glaring at him

"I was going to tell you that no one needs to know about us being siblings log" he said

"Don't you ever dare call me log again Lucas Ross Cyrus" I yelled at him, you could see how I hate him now, did I mention he's a player and a bad boy now, he thinks he works the lip ring better than I do, puff of course I work it better

"Shut it Logan Emerald Cyrus" like yelled back, that's when I had it I shut the door in his face and went to take a shower, after that I dried my hair, put on a pair of high wasted shorts and a black bandeau and a white tank top that had a faded picture of Bob Marley and a pair of Nike Air Force in black to match my shorts, I curled the tips of my straight super dark brown hair.

"Liam, Louis, lets go we are going to be late" Luke yelled

"Log are you coming with us?" Liam asked me

"I don't think so Li" I said

"Still with you and Luke come on just for one day please" Liam begged

"I'm sorry Li but I can't I'm skating to school I don't want to stay in a car with a jerk like him" I said

"Ok, why don't you have a lip ring on right now?" Liam asked

"Didn't feel like it, anyways bye Li it's getting late I gotta go" I say

"Ok bye log" he said

I grabbed my baby it's my only skate board that my dad has ever bought me, I grabbed my bag, headphones, a rice crispy bar, and went straight out the door put my headphones on listening to its fine by me by Andy Grammar, I hope today will be a good day.


Ok guys please tell me what you think and should I update or not, btw I share this account with my best friends Noura, oh and I don't know who I should make to play the part or Logan or Lucas or Liam or Louis, please tell me who you think should play Logan/Lucas/Liam/Louis

Their ages are written at the start of the chapter


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