τħε UsuᎯιι:Χ1

Start from the beginning

" awe Diggy why you waisting yo time with oh brokeZil " Christopher hollers from behind .

" aye ma you need help ?" august asked helping me up.

" oh august you gone soft boy. You don't help the help" diggy stated

He rolled his eyes and finish helping up. Getting all my stuff and handing it to me. I nodded thanking him and he smiled . I just went ahead and put everything else in the locker. While hearing them getting upset with August.

" what the he'll is wrong with you"

" y'all pick on the same girl every day. And y'all are fucked up cuz she can't defend her self. Like find somebody else to mess with. You know she won't talk that's why you do it . " August spoke with his veins popping out . Why is he taking up for me.

" why you taking up for her August huh? You feeling for her? You feel for the broke bitch. The silent one. Huh?" twist gleamed.

" man ion feel for nobody. Just lighten up ight?"

" man what ever softy!"

I locked my longer and headed for glass and yet my arm was grabbed again. August looked passed me as the boys walked of.

" this ain't gone happen often. So don't get comfortable" he never looked me in the eyes. Never . " look it's fine if you don't talk to me. But your welcome" still not looking me in the eyes. He walked away brushing my shoulder and pushing me into the locker a little" my bad".

Wow . The first time anyone has ever been nice to me other than my parents and Knox. I wander why he did it tho . I made it to first. Three miniets late.And walked my way through the class hearing sneakers and comments. I brush it off and went to my seat. The teacher smirked at me. Seriously? I sat down and put my ear buds in and started listening to Chris brown. As I put my hoodie on and slumped down in my chair I realized that it was only the start of the day.


Lunch Time.

I stood at the lunch room door contemplating whether I should go in or not. Man forget it I don't need to eat. My stomach growled. " oh shut up" I said barley above a whisper.

I walked into the café and caught stares and dirty looks . Smirks and even dirtier looks. I got my tray and forgot I had walk by chresantos table. Luckily all my food was in containers. I tried to quickly walk past when I noticed Chresanto put his foot out right before I got past them. I fell flat on my face. And my tray slid across the floor.

" hahaha . Damn silent bitch . Watch where you goin" he laughed

"the hoe kind look thirsty" Craig said opening his apple juice pouring all over my back.

Dang it I don't have spare clothes these were my spare. I think my clothes are dry by now. I pushed my arms against the ground trying to get up . When I felt foot on my back and my face hit the ground again.

" Yo man would focus ? Our game is tonight and we haven't practiced in 3 days"august shouted

" Awe August taking up for his girl" some girl on Rayan arm teased him

" Yo ray control her. I ain't taking up for no body . But I get tired of seeing her on the ground with a different juice on her everyday. Is she the only person that y'all must tease so much. And even if she was my girl y'all wouldn't be doing that stuff to her. " he said defensively

I got up finally and walked out the café . I'm not hungry after all. I went to my locker getting my dry clothes that I wore earlier and went into the bathroom.I got into the last stall and changed my clothes while crying my eyes out. When Knox voice popped into my head" don't worry about them . They don't mean nothing. They'll get their day but until then you gotta P.U.S.H" then he faded away . That only brought more tears to my eyes.

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