Chapter One

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The Doctor's POV:

The Tardis shakes uncontrollably, and I know what was coming. Clara looks at me with nervousness. She doesn't know. I never told anyone about this, not even Amy or Rory. But I always knew the time would come when the truth had to be revealed. 

"Are we crashing again?" Clara asks, a hint of irritation clear in her voice. "I swear, Doctor, it's like you never learned how to officially drive this thing." I manage a short laugh. "I never did. Well, not officially. I don't really think you need a license for this. Even if I did need one, do I look like a license sort of guy?" 

Our laughter is cut short when the Tardis gives another huge shake, causing the Clara and I  to fall to the ground. Clara glances at me. "Uh, are you even going to try to prevent us from crashing?" 

"If only she knew." I think.

"Um...well....I would." I stammer "I would try, under normal circumstances, but we're not crashing." As I expected, Clara looks at me with confusion. "Well, what's exactly happening?"  Before I can answer, the Tardis began to glow with golden light. 

"It's happening." I mummer. "This is it." 

"What's happening?!?!" Clara asked frantically, shielding her eyes from the light. I don't answer her. Instead, I gently pull her away from the Tardis mainframe. 

"Listen to me very closely, Clara, this is very important." I say. "Whatever you do, don't open your eyes. If you do, they'll burn right out of your head. Humans aren't meant to see this." 

Clara looks at me, now a bit worried. She should be. "But Doctor, what is going on? What can't I see?" 

I tear my eyes away from Clara. I could never bear to see my companions hurt. But this is something she can't see. 

The Tardis hums with energy as the golden light grows brighter. I check and make sure Clara isn't looking. She'd be blinded by now. This light is brighter than any star or planet in the universe. Only one thing, one event, can make a light this bright. And I never thought I'd have to witness it. 

Damn you, River Song. 

The Tardis gives one final, staggering shake, and then stops. The Tardis is flooded with a bright golden light. 

"Come on then." I say to myself. "Let me see you." 

My eyes find the source of the light, a small bundle sitting on top of the mainframe. I carefully approach and cradle it in my arms. As soon as I touch it, the light dies down. 

"Beautiful." I say softly. 

Clara opens her eyes. She sees the bundle in my hands and asks, "Doctor, what is that?" I give her a wide grin, possibly the widest grin I've ever smiled in my life. 

"It's a girl!" I exclaim. 

*Doctor Who Theme Plays*

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