The Stranger

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I gave one more glance in the mirror before leaving my house. I stood at 5'2", my thick curly brown hair was pulled back into a tight perfect ponytail, my blue eyes popped from my eyeliner, plump lightly glossed lips, high cheek bones, and flawless skin. I was wearing a pair of black dress pants, black tight fitting T-Shirt that showed off my curves, and a green knee length jacket that tied at my waist. I grabbed my bag and rushed to the waiting taxi outside. I had a flight to catch from Pittsburg to New York. I was the head editor and publisher of a publishing company. Traveling frequently to events was part of my job desciption. Thankfully work payed for everything because my salary was shit, but it was okay because I loved read, writing, and editing. In fact I was currently working on a manuscript of my own.

The taxi pulled up in front of the airport doors sooner than I had expected. I payed the fee and retrieved my bags. Once inside I made my way to security. The line was painfully long, but I arrived three hours before my flight was to leave. The security officer took my license and once satisfied I matched it ushered me through to the screening area. I placed my bags, jewlry, and shoes on the little strip that whisks them through the machine. I step through the metal detector and wait for my bags. As I made my way to the gate with two hours and twenty minutes left, I was knocked over along with my bags by someone.

"Sorry Mrs...." a man bent over me extending his hand.

"Miss Lucy Clary," I subtly stressed miss.

"Sorry Miss Clary," the guy steadied me and continued to walk. I bent to retrieve my bags and snapped up.

"Sir! Sir, you left your bag. Sir!" I tried jogging up to him, but carring three bags and in heels, it was difficult. I was just glad he wasn't running. He turned to me with a questioning look.

"Yes Miss Clary?"

"You forgot your bag, Mr...." I stuck his bag out at him with a raised eyebrow.

"That's clearly your bag. It is a match for the other two."

"No it isn't. I only brought two bags, not three." Once again I shoved the bag out to him.

"Miss, it is your bag." He pushed the bag back at me.

"Take your bag, Sir!" I unintentionally shouted.

"Fine that is my bag," I held it out to him. "But, I will pay you fifty thousand dollars if you take the bag."

"What? No! I'm not some kind of idiot. Do you think I'm that stupid?"

"It clearly doesn't have anything illegal in it. You saw it go through Security," he pointed out. I narrowed my eyes at him, but I considered. I could really use the money and he had a point. As I considered this , I looked at him. He stood at about 5'8", gray eyes, black hair, muscular build, dressed extremely well in a gray suit with a beautiful blue tie, and about my age twenty-six.

"When and where will you be getting it from if I do?"

"That depends. Are you going to New York?" He asked.

"Er, yes, how did you-" he stopped me short.

"How long are you there for?"

"Four days, Wednesday through Sunday."

"Saturday night at ten thirty in the evening."

"Where at? I sort of need to know this bit of information."

"How about here?" He handed me an address scrawled on a sheet of paper. It read: Renaissance New York Hotel Times Square; Two Times Square, 714 Seventh Avenue at W. 48th Street, New York City, NY 10036. I noticed that that was the hotel I would be staying at.

"I, uhm, y-yeah I c-can meet y-you there," I stuttered.

"Good. I will give you half the money now and the other half in New York," he reached into the satchel slung over his shoulder. Then he handed me twenty-five thousand dollars and left me staring after him open mouthed.

Stunned, I sat with the extra bag at my gate. I glanced for him and saw him three rows down staring at me. To distract myself, I retrieved my iPod, earbuds, and work issued Laptop. For two hours I sat working on manuscript editing as well as writing my own manuscript, Muse blaring in my ears. It was a very effective way to distract me. When I finally boarded the plane, I sat first class. There Mr. Take-my-bag-without-telling-you-why sat infront of me. What am I getting myself in to?


A/N: This was a random idea, tell me what you think! Sorry for the pourly written introduction, but I did this on my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2012 ⏰

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