Chapter 1

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I sneaked a glance at him and groaned. Still there and smoking hot. Why wasn't Cherie taking his order? I sighed and walked over.

"I'm not going to bother with introductions 'cause you probably don't know me and wouldn't like to, but what would you like?" I greeted.

"A 'hi, may I take your order?' would have done," Leyton suggested, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets.

"Whatever. Now what do you want?" I waved his comment away, extremely pissed. Why did I even have a crush on him in the first place?

"A Caramel Macchiato grande to go," he replied with a bored expression on his face.

"Right, in a bit sir," I said, putting emphasis on the 'sir'. He grinned and rested an arm on the counter. I glared at him and huffed. If that counter got dirty, my clean freak excuse of a manager would kill me! Did he want to see me dead, my blood all over the floor?

"I'm sure the counter feels extremely violated right now," I suggested. His grin widened.

"I like your sarcasm," he commented.

"I like it too, now here's your coffee and bye," I said dryly, and pushed his coffee toward him, not expecting the next series of events.

My eyes widened as the cup started to fall over the side of the counter, landing on Leyton's hands and shirt.

"I'm so sorry! Let me clean up. Don't move; it could be dangerous. Deadly, even! Wait there. And once again, don't move," I rambled, pulling a cloth out and wiping furiously at the stains on the counter.

"Ah hem, your customer has coffee down his front and you're focusing on the counter?" Leyton asked, bewildered. I chose to ignore him.

"And how's an unbroken plastic cup dangerous. Or deadly?" he asked. I groaned. Had I said that? I ignored him again, burning in shame, then thinking of a reply.

"Turtles die because of plastic!" I defended myself, hesitating before pulling the cup off his shirt and tossing it into the nearest bin. It landed right smack in the middle. I had always been really good at basketball. But that was before...

I shuddered at the memory, then leaned forward and let my fingers touch the hem of his shirt.

"Would you like to go home and clean it, or..." I asked rather awkwardly. He replied by taking off his shirt, then handing it over to my gaping self. I shamelessly stared at his exposed chest.

My fingers were begging to be running all over his sun kissed skin. His six pack had me drooling and he looked perfect as perfect could be. I looked up and blushed, knowing he had caught me eye raping him.

"Sorry," I apologized, my voice hoarse. He shrugged, his cheeks red as well. Wow, Leyton blushing. That wasn't something you see. Any day. He was a closed book. I could usually read people well, but I couldn't read him at all.

I took his shirt from him, using the cloth to get rid of as much of the stain as possible.

"You gay?"

If I had been drinking water, I'd have spit it out by now.

"N-no," I hesitantly replied, my fingers shaking as I took a clean cloth and continued rubbing on the stain. I tried desperately to block out the memories of the bullying in my previous school.

"You sure?" Leyton asked. I nodded.

"Pity, 'cause I am. We'd make a good couple, you know. You and your sarcasm, me and my emotionless self. What do you think?" he commented. I choked on my own saliva. Did he just say that? He was gay?

"You're gay?" I repeated. He rolled his eyes.

"Please tell me you're not one of those homophobic shitholes. Then I'd have to beat that pretty face of yours up," he whispered, using two fingers to push my chin up, forcing me to make eye contact. I shook my head violently. Last thing I needed was to get beaten up be the love of my life.

Not love, crush. Yea, crush...

Lost in thought, I didn't notice Leyton leaning forward until his lips were so close to mine, just a slight movement would cause them to meet. I shivered at that thought and pulled back, ner vously licking my lips. I rubbed his shirt even more vigurously and Leyton shook his head, snatching his shirt back.

"I'll take my leave," he said, but I grabbed his hand before he could go.

"Don't you want a new cup of coffee?" I hesitated before asking. Leyton arched a brow.

"Do I have to pay?" I nodded.

"You wasted my coffee making efforts, the least you could do is pay," I said. Leyton grinned, then slapped some notes onto the counter.

"NO! My manager is going to kill me!" I wailed. Money was dirty and inky, and the stupid counter attracted dirt and ink. I swear it's a dirt magnet.

"Eh, not my problem. Now make me another coffee," Leyton instructed, pulling his shirt on. I scowled before making him yet another stupid coffee, this time carefully passing it to him.

"Now leave," I said, taking the cloth and wiping the counter.

"Nah, I think I'll stay and grace you with my presence," Leyton commented, examining his nails. "There's no one else here, anyways." Just what I needed. I wish he could just go already. He's making me seriously uncomfortable.

"Just go, you're not needed here," I snapped. Leyton arched a brow, taking a huge sip from his coffee.

"I like it here," he replied, a huge smirk on his face. My scowl deepened.

"What do you even want?" I asked.

"I don't really know. Maybe I want to look at you?" He suggested. My cheeks burned. I hate him so much for making me like him. I don't even know why I like him in the first place. I'm either mental, or I'm mental.

I'm going for the former.

"Eh, whatever. See you in school tomorrow," Leyton says, tossing the empty coffee cup into the bin and winking at me, doing that finger gun catch you later thing.

I hate my life. I hate it a lot.

* * *

A new story. I know I've been neglecting my stories, but that's mainly because I've got, like, zero time to write? And this was written before all the other books and I just wanted to post it, so yeah... Hope you like it and tell me what you think! Thanks for reading and I'll try and post chapters of the other books ASAP. =P

Spilt Coffee (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora