Chapter One | The Gun Shop

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Chapter One | The Gun Shop

It was foggy, a soft mist covering her field of vision. She could smell lavender and cinnamon, a very familiar scent. She could feel her fingers gently trail down her arm.

The sun shone brightly across the skyscraper lined horizon of the city of Amesdale. It was early afternoon, and the citizens of the vast city were all out and about, enjoying the good weather.

Though the drapes were pulled shut on the windows of a small studio apartment in one of the less desirable parts of town. The single room was illuminated only by the dim light of their old fluorescent bulbs.

Her eyes opened slowly, and adjusted to the soft light in the room only to stare up at the cracked tan ceiling.

Jacqueline St. Cloud, or 'Jackie' as she was most commonly called, sat up in her bed, rubbing at her eyes. She looked to her right at her best friend Lucas, who was laying on the bed beside her, playing on his phone.

"...'morning." Lucas mumbled after it took him a moment to realize she was awake, as he was so absorbed in his phone game.

"Good morning, Lucas." Jackie smiled, edging towards the foot of the bed and sliding off, the height of the bed and her small stature making it almost like a small slide before her feet pressed against the carpet.

Her bare feet didn't make a sound as she padded across the floor towards the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She turned on the hot water and began to undress.

One she had pulled off her tank top and shorts she pulled her messy red curls out of the ponytail and stepped into the warm running water. Reaching down she grabbed her shampoo and raised it to her face, breathing in the smell of lavender.

She'd bought the lavender shampoo and conditioner because the smell reminded her of Cecily. That's why she used the cinnamon body wash as well. She didn't know exactly what kind of perfume Cecily had used but the two scents together were close.

This way occasionally Jackie would catch her own scent, and it would feel just like it did when Cecily was there with her.

Shaking her head, Jackie cleared her mind and went about her business, trying to finish up her shower as quickly as possible so she had more time to get some work done. It took her about twenty minutes before she stepped out and dried off.

She wrapped her soaked curls in a towel and then wrapped another one around her body, before stepping out of the bathroom accompanied by the steam that had filled the small room.

"Lucas, have you seen that cute top? The pink one with the cat on it." She questioned, walking over to the chair which had a few articles of clothing on the back of it.

"Yeah, here." Lucas replied, and Jackie turned to look at him as he pulled the shirt out from underneath his back on the bed and tossed it to her.

Catching it, Jackie giggled and thanked him, before grabbing her pastel blue skirt, black cat stockings, pink flats, black beanie, and her pastel blue cardigan. She was feeling the pastel look today and decided to work with it.

Once she was dressed, she walked over to the small desk in the corner of the room and sat down.

There were two desks in the apartment, one for the computer, and this one for her sewing machine and all the accessories that came with it. It was rather messy because Jackie was almost always busy working at it.

Jackie was quick to start working, pulling out her current project and turning on the machine, which started to hum loudly as Jackie fed the clothe through.

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