TERRA LUNA: Prologue & Chapters 1 - 3

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(Samples of TERRA LUNA can be found in this story group. My wife and I will also publish the full text of TERRA LUNA on Wattpad, soon. TERRA LUNA is an urban contemporary fantasy and paranormal romance about the survival of the Faeries of Old Ireland in the remote wooded mountains of Georgia. HOW THE FAERIES LEFT IRELAND: The Memoirs of Captain Iaisiah MacTamick and NANA'S STORY: The Lives of the Faeries are other samples from the same novel.) 


Atlanta, Georgia -- Twenty Years Ago

A moment after takeoff the airliner shuddered and rolled, like a great beast mortally wounded. Tara looked past her terrified mother-in-law and out the window. The wing flexed and shredded apart. Fuel burst into streamers of flame. Tara heard metal shriek above and knew they would die.

But Terra Luna, she thought, she might have a chance! Tara ignored the screams, the heat and the roar of the airliner breaking apart as she tore off her daughter's seat belt and shirt. There was no time to think, or grieve; no time for a last kiss. She didn't even get to look into her daughter's astonished eyes. With all her strength, Tara hurled her little girl through a narrow gap over head. Choking black smoke rolled into the cabin, but she saw – or thought she saw – two tiny wings against a patch of blue sky.

"Fly, Faerie, fly!"

PART ONE: 2009

 Chapter One

 Atlanta, Georgia

Saturday, October 31

Halloween Night

Ian MacTamick swirled his Scotch, frowning at the ice. Although he looked forward to many American novelties, on his first night Stateside he wanted the golden whiskey from his own distillery. The other party guests were drinking some trendy sweet muck that --– oh, God forbid – looked and smelled like candy. It's this awful music that's making my ears bleed, Ian thought. The bar girl couldn't hear me say 'neat.'

Ian smoothed his kilt. I'm the only person here tonight who isn't in fancy dress – I wear this every day! 

The short "vampire" by the balcony railing finished his stinking cigarette and ground out the butt with his heel. 

"Great party, huh?" he wheezed, exhaling rum and Coke.

"Right now I'm too jet-lagged to know. I came straight from the airport, and I didn't even have time to put on a – what d'ye call them here? – a costume," Ian replied.

"You wear a skirt to fly? Is that extra-comfortable, or something?"

"It's a 'kilt.' The plaid identifies my clan. This is what I wear at work back home," said Ian.

"So you're a real British guy, huh? That's great!"

Ian drew himself up to his full six and a half feet, and squared his wide shoulders.

"I am a Scotsman, of Clan MacTamick."

The little "Dracula" grinned through his makeup, and held out a black-gloved hand.

"You must be Ian! I'm Barry Davie, a friend of Jamison. We play rugby together. I knew some of his family from Britain were coming to the wedding. I just didn't think you'd be here so soon."

"I want to spend some time with Jamison and his fiancée." And I wanted to get the hell off the same island as Brigid. "I'm piping at the wedding, and Lindsey wanted to hear me before hand

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