The First Time

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Loki could not be more different from his brother Thor. If the god of thunder considered Midgard is second home and was in love with the humans, the god of mischief didn't think that way. Earth was full of idiots and mortal beings that were created to follow rules. "Rats" he said. But there was one time that he asked Heimdall to open Bifrost to New York because he needed to find his brother. The guardian of Asgard was suspicious about it, nothing good could come from it because no one could trust on a Laufeyson, especially that one.

"Heimdall, I understand your fear and I feel honored that you think I'm going to do some evil but I just need to find my brother..."

"I can't see your brother, he knows how to hide from me. Why you think you will have better results than me?"

"Well, first I'm Loki, I always have what I want. Second probably is better looking for him closely? Don't you think?"

"If you're gonna hurt someone..."

"Heimdall, you have my promise. Now, Bifrost?"

Heimdall swung the sword and the bridge was open. The god of mischief smiled and then he disappeared in a second.


With his tradicional black suit he fell in the middle of the Avengers tower.

It was Saturday afternoon and the place was empty but a complete mess. There were bottles of champagne everywhere, some pieces of food and confettis all over the floor. He started searching for someone in some rooms but again, nothing. Not even the smallest sound.

"Humans. Only them can live like this. Certainly they need some leadership." he said, sitting on the couch, waiting for someone.

Ten minutes had passed when he heard some footsteps and instantly he saw Tony Stark walking to the kitchen. He didn't even noticed his presence there! How could he? Ignoring Loki that way!

"What a mess..."

"I saw you. I just decided to ignore your presence here. What you're doing?"

"Trying to breath, no one knows what it's on the air, you humans..."

"Yea, yea, I know. We look like monkeys for a king like you, right?"

"You are not completely wrong. You know who I am?"

"Loki, god of mischief, Thor's brother. You're dressed like a wizard and Thor really described you well, the hair and how skinny you are..."

"I feel honored that you guys talk about me, although I'm not dressed like a wizard. Answering your question, I'm here because I need to find my brother Thor. Where is he?"

"I could ask you the same thing. He missed my party last night and your brother never miss one. He likes the beer and the girls."

"Sounds like him"

Loki stood up, pacing back and forth. Tony had a drink in his hand but judging by his look it seemed like he was still hung over from the night before which was strange since it was already so late that day. But again, Loki had heard some crazy things about the famous Iron Man. The crazy parties, the drinks, the most despicable human being.

"So, no one knows where is my brother?"

"I guess. You can wait here for the others. I slept all day but I believe Steve must be somewhere."

"Oh, yes. God's righteous man. I have more things to do that wait for a man out of his time. Just tell my brother I need him."

"Problems in Asgard? Need a hand?"

"Who do you think you are to thinking you can be useful in Asgard? You're nothing but a man in a suit."

"Uh, I'm also a genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist."

"But not a god."

"At least I'm a hero. You? As far as I know you're a villain. The earth is closed today. Go home and never come back or you will deal with the Avengers... And yes, if I see your brother I will tell him."

Loki disappeared in a second. Arguing with a human was beneath him. He wanted to kill him! Crush him like a boot crushes an ant. But he had bigger problems at home. Tony Stark needed to wait another day.

When he came back to Asgard Heimdall was waiting for him.

"I see you didn't found him."

"No, but I found out my next victim."

"I saw. Iron Man. Is that a fight you want to start? First you need to solve the problems you have here."

"You think I don't KNOW??? He can wait. Now, Heimdall, where do we go next?"

The guard of Asgard looked to the sword. The god of mischief would not like his answer.

The six times Loki visited the AvengersKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat