The King

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Kaz Brekker was king of the Barrel.

After Pekka Rollins left, Kaz had seized power over the whole Barrel.  After finally getting what he wanted– revenge–Kaz became King.

The Dregs were the ruling gang, Kaz still their leader, and Anika his immediate successor.  Kaz lived out his days in his room, planning, spending his nights in the streets.  On this particular night, Kaz was wandering around the piss-poor streets.  Drinking bitter coffee and watching the masked people strut around, fake jewels dripping from home-sewn gowns.  The tapping of Kaz's cane drew some glances, but most people knew to keep their eyes away.  Dirtyhands was not a fan of attention.

Recently, a new influx of people had come to Kerch; specifically, Ketterdam after Wylan and Jesper had spread their business to other countries.  Many officials brought their families to spend summers in Ketterdam, partying in the city at night and retiring to the country during the day for rest.  Kaz didn't really care where they came from though, as long as they used his gambling houses and his bars.

Many asked where the Emerald Palace was, in which case they would be directed to the pile of green-brown rubbled littering a certain street.  It was the same with the Menagerie.

Kaz pushed off the wall he had been momentarily resting against, walking towards the door that led into the Crow Club.  Right as he walked in many people turned to look at him.  With his turned-up coat neck, pale skin, and high cheekbones, Kaz was the peak of intimidating.

The smell of beer, food, and human excrement filled the room.  Kax took his time walking to the stairs and up to his room.  He didn't want people to think he was in a hurry and think him vulnerable. He could feel the gaze of some burning into his back.

As he entered his room, Kaz threw the empty cup of coffee into a warped metal bin, lifting his head and scanning the room quickly.  His folder on the members of The Dregs was in a different position than he left it.  Changing the grip on his cane, Kaz inched forwards.  Then stopped.  It smelled different.  The smell of salt water and sun.

"Inej?"  No reply.  Kaz flipped the switch to turn on the lights in his room.  Wylan had installed the electrical lights in his room and the Crow Club last year.  It made the whole lot worth more, even if after multiple brawls the building was falling apart. Blinking in the sudden light, Kaz peered around.  No one was in his room, but some files had been moved around and her smell was in his room and his window was open.  That was her perch.

Kaz took off his hat, resting it on the coat hanger, along with his coat.  Going over to his desk and sitting down, Kaz rolled up the sleeves of his black shirt, running a hand through his hair and grabbing the expense files.

He still had to work even if the wraith was there.  Somewhere.  Roaming the city looking for Ghezen knows what.

Hope you guys enjoy this!  I'm starting another book because it's been so long!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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