Kailee's POV

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"kailee get up for church," my mom said

"ugggg, i dont wanna go" i said

it was a sunday morning, and of course i had to go to church, the night before i went out with the girls to mellow mushroom, not a serious club but something like that. i go out every saturday, wake up for church on sunday, teach sunday school, then go to school monday thru friday then start all over again. I am a high school senior i have 1 month left till i graduate, and then the getting up early days are OVER.


of course on our way to he church i fell asleep

"we are here kailee" my mom said

i walked in the church and like always we were on time, and we went straight to the front of the church. church started at 8, and it was 7:55 when we got there.

it was now 8, and church was beginning the first thing we did when church starts is the alter prayer. we finish with that and went to the praise dances, next was the church announcements. it was now 9:00 and it was time for praise and worship, i got tapped on my shoulder. i looked back to see all my best BITCHES!!!!!, oh oh i mean friends. i had four besties...... India, Kameron, Asia, Lani. and they where always late for church but they came every sunday with me. sometime i wish i lived with them so i can get more sleep before church.

church was finally over and it was time for sunday school. i taught the smaller kids because all they really had to do was color a picture of jesus while thier parents where in grown up church where they learn the real. my friends left because we are all meeting up at lani's tonight for movie night.


we are on our way home now and i couldnt be more excited to drive my own car my mama drives like a bat out of hell. i think i drive better nevermind i know i drive better.

"alright mom im about to go to lani's house for our movie night" i said

"alright be home before 12 no later, or you wont be going back to lani's house EVER!" she said

*rolls eyes* "yes ma'am" i said

i made it to lani's house within 20min even tho its a 30min drive.

"hey WHORES" i yelled

"shhhhhhhhhhhh my mama here she didnt leave yet fool" lani said

*laughs* oh my bad" i said

"alright girls yall have fun NO BOYS!!!! im going to have mrs.parker from across the street watching so dont try nothing" she said

the movie justed finished and it was only 3 so we decided to go to the mall even tho it was sunday and nobody was going to be there we just wanted to go walk around like old times. we got to the mall and of course it wasnt alot of people there just as we thought, so we went in and just looked in a couple stores, and tried on stuff just to see how they would look. we walked out of the store and went into the food court.

"dannnngggggg he fine" india said

"who!!!" i said

"oh thats austin he go to our school" kameron said

"he looking at my girl kailee" asia said pushing me

*blushing* "girl no he not drug dealers are not my thing"  i said

"how you no he a drug dealer bitch!" india said

"cause i just do look at him only drug dealers have all that bling" i said

"bitch he can be a rapper" kameron said

"mmmmmmhhhhhhhhhh lets go" i said

we made it back to lanis house at 11 considering the fact that the mall was a hour away so i had to get home before my mom flashes out on me.

"see yall at school tomorrow" i said

"BYE!" kameron said

"BYE!" india said

"BYE!" asia said

"BYE!" lani said

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