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note, that none of the chapters I post on here are actually edited. I do try and read through but please don't hate me if there's a word in this story that doesn't make sense, or you see a typo or misuse of a comma or full stop. I hope this doesn't hinder your reading though - enjoy


I’M DONE comparing humans with things. With stars, with the ocean, with things that are too beautiful to be compared with. I’m done putting down the human race. The human race is full of flaws, and that’s why it’s perfect. Its disastrous imperfections are what make it so genius. We build, and create pieces of art which are so remarkable. It’s so hard to believe that something so beautiful could be made by someone with a cousin who created a painting by another mans blood. Our imagination runs to extremes. Creates pictures which lift us and kill us. Humans can’t be compared with anything, because we’re too magnificent and awful to be compared. We simultaneously make things that heal and destroy us. We are walking contradictions yet we are forgiven. Humans are amazing. Humans are dangerous. Humans are independent. Humans can’t rely on their own strength. Some humans have humanity and some have carved out every ounce of light from their soul, and thrown it buried it in the dirt for someone else to find. We kill thinking we save and yet we are still forgiven.

Aubrey is one human out of the seven billion plus in the world. She lives her life, hoping and trying to find out why she’s here. In between those thoughts of self discovering, are little crevices, and in those crevices are her every day thoughts of Daniel. And in those thoughts are more cracks, and in those cracks are ideas of how she could make herself and someone else’s life a little bit better.

The early morning sunlight drifted through the cracks in Aubrey’s curtain and ran streams of light across her creamy skin. Her caramel brown freckles came to light, and as the light stayed on her face Aubrey conscious soon started to become aware. Her nose twitched, a quiet yawn escaped her lip as she sat up in her bed and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Her lips curled upwards as she grimaced at the time let out a sleepy sigh. “Another day.” 

Hastily, she kicked the sheets off of her legs and let the soles of her feet smack hard against the cold wooden floor. Her feet dragged as she shuffled into her small bathroom and smacked hands against the basin of the sink. Aubrey’s reflection stared straight back at her, and she kind of grimaced at what she saw. It wasn’t as if Aubrey didn’t particularly like what she saw. Aubrey believed that biracial children were the most beautiful and since she was one she thought she was quite hot. Brown almond shaped eyes with shortish dark brown hair which felt like silk as you ran your hand through the thick strands. Caramel brown freckles, dusting her nose and cheeks, with pink lips. Creamy skin, wide squidgy nose and quite small but not too small. Aubrey loved her appearance actually, but not in the morning. 

Dark circles hung from underneath her eyes, reminding her of last nights thoughts and awful memories. Drinking a bottle of clear regret, and not caring. Well, now she did. A killer headache plagued her head, and Aubrey fumbled through her cabinets until she found some aspirin. Quickly, she popped a pill in her mouth, and used the water from the tap to down it. 

Aubrey ran a hand through her hair, then began to get ready. She splashed her face with the cold water cleaned it up, brushed her teeth and hopped into the shower to rinse herself. The soap suds ran down her skin as she rinsed the soap off of her body, and once she’d finished showering, Aubrey stepped out of the shower and quickly toweled herself down. Lotion potions, hair creams, then a fully black outfit went on. Black jeans, black ankle boots, a black shirt and a black cardigan. She grabbed her phone and bag which was already packed and quickly pulled the sheets on her bag into a decent state.

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