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Hello reader!

I'm Minshi, a writer with horrible writer's block who has taken a few months to explore myself, life, and the boundaries of happiness. It can be hard to keep up a healthy mental health, especially when you forget to take care of yourself. Sometimes life gets busy to the point where you forget to enjoy and cherish moments that pass by. Sometimes, life gets boring to the point where you begin questioning your existence and your relationship with yourself and with others. Sometimes, like Andy Bernard said, you wish there was a way to know you're in the "good old days" before you leave them. 

And while I would be lying if I said I have the perfect, most healthy mental health, I've definitely learned to be a happier person. As I've grown as a person, I've learned quite a bit about what's important in life, and what's important to remember. I look forward to every day, I look at the cup half full, and I truly understand what people mean when they claim to be this overused term: happy

I've learned to be a happier person - yes learned, not grown - and I've been telling my friends the things I've learned. Somehow, what I learned has helped them become happier, too.  

While I'm still learning to love myself, I've definitely come to terms with how to do that, and I love something new about myself everyday. 

So I figured, I might as well share some things that I learn with you. If you're happy, this "book" can remind you to cherish the feeling, and embrace yourself. If you're sad, this "book" might help you move towards being happy. If you're something in between, why not give this a try? Who knows - you may learn something new. 


Also, side note: updates will be sporadic

Don't Forget to Love YourselfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora