Chapter 4

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Author's Note

Hey again! So, here is chapter 4, and we've fallen down the rabbit hole of memories so now you get to find out how Ness and Zach ended up where they are today.

Please do let me know your thoughts with votes and comments.



Kelly Riven yelled down the school hallway, making every conversation stop dead and all eyes turn to look at the target of her shout, Ness Godwin closed her eyes and took a slow deep breath, her few friends stepped back, knowing the signs, they had seen them enough times over the last few months since Ness had arrived.

"Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend!" Kelly continued, barreling towards Ness

"What? I haven't been anywhere near him" Ness responded quietly, a stark contrast to that of Kelly's loud blustering, the friends took another step backwards.

"I saw you smile at him, he's mine! You can't have him, you fat bitch!" Kelly knew not to get too close, she was angry but not stupid, instead of trying to punch the girl she saw as a rival for her guy's affections, she kicked, her pump flew off and skimmed past Ness's ear, Ness raised her fist to block the kick; the sickening sound of multiple bones breaking at once echoed through the silence, Kelly, with no idea how to kick safely had been leading with her toes instead of her heel or the top of her foot and the toes had connected with Ness's hardened fist. Kelly Screamed in pain and suddenly the hallway came to life again as people realized it was a non-event, Ness shrugged, picked up the shoe and dropped it in front of Kelly,

"Wrong shoes to wear for kicking; I don't want to be anywhere near your douchebag boyfriend whoever the fuck he is and I'm not fat but keep this shit up and you will have a fat lip. Now go cry to Mr. Wheeler and get me another detention, I'm done with you." Ness said coldly, Mr. Wheeler was the Principal, and Ness knew the inside of his office almost better than he did himself.

"I'll back you up Ness, it was self-defense" Zach Greene spoke from behind her, she spun around to face him a snarky retort on her lips, "You are not getting a detention without me, both in or nothing and I don't fancy a fight today." He continued

"I didn't ask for a fight, and you can't even call that scuffle a fight," Ness replied as Kelly hobbled away

"You won't get a detention, I'll get you suspended, bitch," she said

"You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing," Ness retorted just as the bell rang for class.

As expected she was pulled from class to see Mr. Wheeler and dutifully went, her head held high all the way

"Vanessa, explain please, why I have had to call you in yet again." He said once she was seated opposite him.

"Kelly accused me of trying to steal her boyfriend, which is absurd since I don't even know who her boyfriend is, then she called me a fat bitch and then she tried to kick me in the face, I raised my hand to protect myself and her foot hit it. I even retrieved her shoe for her." Ness made her statement simply and concisely.

"That doesn't tally with what miss Riven has said, were there any witnesses?"

"Everyone in the hall saw it but I doubt they would be willing to make any kind of statement. Zach Greene is willing, but you probably won't take his word as reliable." Ness shrugged.

"On the contrary, despite his propensity to fight, much like yourself, I have never had cause to mistrust his word, if he corroborates your story, this will go no further." Mr. Wheeler said, his voice calm, Ness could see a steely determination in his eyes though and she felt sorry for Kelly, the Principal hated fighting, but he really hated false accusations, Kelly was likely to get a detention herself.

Never Say Goodbyeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें