Desperate for Attention

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"Hello Dear Listeners, today's topic on the Hellship Enterprise Podcast is bitching and moaning. Something very under appreciated in my opinion. I mean, people should be able to gripe about minor inconveniences to their heart's content! At least it distracts from the bigger problemse in life like war or starvation. But I'm not here to talk about the big things, am I? Nope, so if you're listening, I hope your prepared for an undetermined amount of time of hearing me do nothing but complain." He leaned back, resting his hands behind his head as he felt himself float upwards, weightless in the small comms room.

"Really Eiffel?" Hera asked, her voice drenched in sarcasm.

"Hey, if anyone has a right to bitch it's me! I was taken from my shitty but otherwise pretty comfortable life to sit up here in space on this death trap! And I've been rocketed out into space twice now, who knows how many more times that'll happen, and Dr. Frankenstein injected me with a death virus, so I think I'll continue with our scheduled programming of The Bitching Hour." When Hera didn't respond, he nodded and moved towards the receiver, "Thank you." When she still didn't answer he sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. "I'm sorry for snapping Hera, I'm just so fed up, and I need to get stuff off my chest."

"Why don't you just t-talk to m-me?" she asked, a slight glitch in her voice. Eiffel shrugged, "I don't know, it's just easier when you don't really know if anyone's listening. And I don't really want to burden you."

"E-Eiffel you're my friend, not a burden. Just tell me."

"It's real stupid."

"So is a lot of the things you complain about. Besides you said it yourself, sometimes you just need to bitch about the little things."

Eiffel took a deep breath. He'd usually just broadcast his feelings into dead space after making sure none of the crew was eavesdropping, or just burry them down all together. He knew he was more than a little bit of a screw up so he didn't want to bother the others with his personal problems, but this one in particular was so minor compared to the others he figured he could share. Just this once.

"Alright. I guess."


"It's just- I miss having a lot of physical contact. I mean, you have no idea how bad I wish you had a tangible form so I could give you a hug."

"Maybe you could describe it to me. Tell me what it feels like."

"Sure thing Hera. It's warm. When it's with someone you really like, neither of you let go for the longest time and you just... hold one another. You just feel so close to each other, and you just feel so loved. Like everything will be okay." He huffed out a short laugh, "We could both use one of those after everything."

"It sounds nice. You know I would give you a hug if I could, but the most I can do is turn the heat up a little above normal for you." When it got warmer in the comms room, Eiffel smiled, then began to chuckle. "Oh Hera, I love you."

"I love you too Eiffel." There was a pause, and then, "Why don't you reach out to Minkowski or Lovelace? I'm sure they'd understand and be more than willing to show you more affection."

Eiffel's voice rose in pitch as he spoke, "Are you kidding? I could never do that!"


"Well for one do you even know who you're talking about? The two most badass people in the world who are in charge of this ship, and you tell me to ask them to 'give me a hug because I feel a little lonely'? Are you insane? I could never do that! And besides, do you know how embarrassing it is? I mean it took so much courage to tell you, and you're my best friend! I can't do it I think I'd quite literally die of embarrassment."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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